Inside Out

Introducing 'Inside Out: Connecting word to life'a new youth resource created in partnership with The Bible Society.

This exciting new guide to the Bible tackles the questions and challenges facing young people today, including what the Bible says about who we are.

Inside Out thumbnail

It features:

  • Six 'Connectives’ – pray, read, explore, question, dig, live – to guide a person’s Bible reading experience
  • Facts about the most amazing book that ever was … and still is!
  • Clear info about resources that will specifically help young people
  • Tips on how to read between the lines, get inside the story of the Bible and live out its meaning in our lives
  • Ideas to bring the words to life and enable young people to meet with God
  • Suggestions for ways of studying the Bible individually or with a group

Take a look at a preview of Inside Out.

Inside Out preview 2

Don't have a copy?

If you are part of a Salvation Army Church, speak to your Divisional Youth Specialist or email us and we would be happy to send you a copy.

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You can also order it online from our partner, The Bible Society.

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Other useful links

Compelling small group (previously known as Cell Outlines) Bible study resources for ages 12-25

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