Journeying Home

Talking about death doesn't bring death closer. It's about planning and knowing that death is a part of life. Being prepared for our own end of life is actually a gift to those we love the most. Without communication and understanding, death and terminal illness can be a lonely and stressful experience, so let's break the taboo and get talking about journeying home and our hope of Heaven. 

On this page, there are three resources available:

1. Journeying Home booklet, this resource can be used all at once or picked up at different times. This booklet aims to encourage conversations about end of life and combat the stigma and fear many people have. 

2. Funeral Guidelines booklet has helpful advice before conducting a funeral. This booklet has been compiled by recommendations from a group of newly-appointed and long-serving Salvation Army officers.

3. Funeral information gathering checklist, an editable document helpful in making sure you have everything planned and written out in one place before leading a funeral.

If you want to talk more about Journeying Home, email: 

Dragonfly outline

Journeying Home

A missional, practical and pastorally focused resource on end of life


Funeral resources


A resource to support you journeying with people at the end of life


An editable document to use as preparation for a funeral

Need help running 'Journeying Home'?

Contact Older People's Ministries if you need support in offering 'Journeying Home' to those in your corps community.


Other useful links

Age to Age is a collection of 30 discipleship conversations written by older people for older people.