Community (Primary)

KS2 Ages 7-11

Learn about The Salvation Army's work in the community.

Caring During Coronavirus

Teaching resources about The Salvation Army's work during the pandemic.


Primary Pupils Faith in Action Image

Primary Pupils Fact Files

An engaging way for pupils to explore more about The Salvation Army's work in the community . Includes facts, news articles, photos and puzzles. Use for independent learning, group research or as posters.

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Community Thumbnail

Community Resources

Contact us if you would like to order any resources: set of ten red A3 posters (free), community stickers (£0.05) (P&P) not included)

click here to order

Explore more community resources...

Early Years teaching resources introducing The Salvation Army's work in the community.

Resources for teaching in schools about how The Salvation Army supports people experiencing homelessness.

School resources exploring The Salvation Army's beliefs, work and faith.

This practical resource helps you organise an exciting and memorable primary school visit at your corps or centre.