Care for Creation Youth Small Group

Over four sessions we are exploring this important mission priority for The Salvation Army in the UK. You will find lots of video clips within these sessions that will display God’s creation and provide accurate background information around this topic. The Salvation Army is committed to helping change attitudes, resulting in a more responsible use of the planet. We seek to provide practical care and advocacy for people affected by damage to the environment. People will not experience fullness of life unless God’s creation is protected and cared for.

If you are interested in more Youth Small Group material then please click here where you will find a large resource bank covering a whole range of topics. New material is added monthly. 


Care For Creation Youth Small Group


Discover More

This song from the Right Tracks resource gives lots of ideas to help look after the environment. *Includes School Assembly Resources*

This discipleship material for children’s groups focuses on caring for creation and protecting the environment.

Supporting the territory to care for creation and tread softly on our common home.

Compelling small group (previously known as Cell Outlines) Bible study resources for ages 12-25