Youth Small Group

We hope and pray that as you and your group use this material you will learn more about what it means to be a follower of Jesus and how that can impact and influence every area of your life.

We will be adding to this page in the coming months with a wide variety of Youth Small Group content which you will be able to search through and find the topics that are useful for your group. Keep coming back to find out more! 


*New* The Gospels

Complete series of material is available now

Access latest material here

Youth Small Group Material

Youth small group material looking at more minor prophets

Youth small group material looking at more minor prophets

Youth small group material looking at Jonah, Amos, Hosea and Micah

Youth small group material exploring the Holy Spirit

Youth small group material exploring the names of Jesus

Youth small group material exploring who Jesus is through the I Am statements

Youth small group material exploring who God is.

Youth small group material exploring the meaning behind the gifts that were given to Jesus

Youth small group material looking at the clear purpose and promise Jesus gave his disciples

Youth small group material exploring the transforming power of grace

Youth small group material exploring the transforming power of the Holy Spirit

Youth small group material exploring justice and what it means for us as Christians

Youth small group material exploring transformational worship

Youth small group material exploring what it means for Christians to be salt and light in the world

Youth small group material looking at how we can be transformed by a life of discipleship

Youth small group material focussing on the life of Jesus

Youth small group material showing love in action through Salvation Army lives.

Youth Small Group material looking at God's covenant with different people from the Old Testament

Key Dates Content

Stand-alone youth small group Easter special session

Youth small group material exploring the meaning behind the gifts that were given to Jesus

A stand-alone youth small group session looking at the real Easter message

Youth small group material offering different options and ideas to use over the summer period

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The All Terrain Podcast

Listen to the latest episode of The All Terrain Podcast, which is a new resource from the Youth and Children's Ministries team that tackles universal questions about life and everyday issues.

Listen here

Other useful links

A healthy approach to boys' wellbeing, Upbeat helps 13-16 year old young men develop their emotional literacy.

A wide range of online and socially distanced games to use with children's and youth groups during the pandemic.

The 2023 Youth and Children’s Leaders Conference.

Resources and ideas for schools ministry.

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