Family Ministries Characteristics Colouring
The Family Ministries Department have created a set of colouring sheets to explore different characteristics and values to live by. The characteristics below are designed to support people of all ages on their faith journey by using a combination of illustrations and bible teaching. They can be used to enrich activities at Corps and Centre Fun Days, Community Events and Family Camps.
- Include Christ in everything - Christ-centred
- Always do what pleases God - Justice
- Express fully our God given potential - Creativity
- Value differences - Diversity
- Rejoice in God and one another - Celebration
- Bring all ages together - Intergenerational
- Offer a warm welcome to everyone - Hospitality
Designed by Gilly Parish.
To explore the characteristics of Family Ministry further, you can order accompanying concertina leaflets. Email:

All Characteristics
Download the colouring sheet

Include Christ in everything

Always do what pleases God

Express fully our God given potential

Value differences

Rejoice in God and one another

Bring all ages together

Offer a warm welcome for everyone
Discover more

Support, training and resources to inspire families and individuals to flourish and develop in their faith journey.

An art resource that helps people explore the 'I Am' statements creatively using colouring sheets

An art resource that helps people explore the Psalms creatively using colouring sheets

Leaping into faith with little ones. A Bible-based curriculum for those working with pre-school children and their carers.