
A Salvation Army schools mentoring programme for young people aged 9–16 years.

An Introduction to Pastorally Supporting LGBTQ+ Young People
A training session designed to help leaders offer compassionate pastoral care to LGBTQ+ young people.

A course for 18–25 year olds to explore who God is, who they are and what that could mean for the world.

Gap year opportunities
Opportunities for 18–25-year-olds to explore their vocation and purpose.
Online learning
All online courses
This iLearn course is designed to equip all children’s leaders for ministry with The Salvation Army.

An online training course to equip leaders to help young people feel more resilient and cope with what life throws at them.

This online course is an introduction to pioneering and forming fresh expressions of church.

This iLearn course is designed for those who prepare or serve food and want to protect the public from food hazards and risks.
Distance learning
All distance learning courses
This Open Learning course introduces you to some of the passages in the Bible that can help you to grow in your new relationship with God.

This bite-sized Open Learning course introduces you to the Christian understanding of God as Trinity.

This Open Learning course explores how God cared for six women in the Bible and how they all played a part in his plans for the world.

This Open Learning course introduces five Old Testament characters and explores Psalm 100.