6 January 2023
Covenant Sunday: What's it all about?
Lieut-Colonel Jayne Roberts

Lieut-Colonel Jayne Roberts introduces the theme of this year’s Covenant Sunday.
The opening verse of Psalm 95 captures perfectly the theme of Covenant Sunday 2023. The joy so often expressed in our worship is rooted in God’s faithfulness to his people. He is the Rock, the sure foundation of our lives as we live and grow in relationship with him.
This is the third year of a designated Covenant Sunday in the United Kingdom and Ireland Territory. Following on from previous years’ themes of Going Forward Together and Being Together, Sunday 8 January brings a particular focus on Celebrating Life Together as God’s people.
Territorial Commander Commissioner Anthony Cotterill has released a message that ties in with this theme. It recognises that times are tough, that many people are facing daily challenges and that the onset of a new year does not automatically remove the current hardships and unpredictability of life. Yet we are reassured that there is a certainty in our Father God’s covenant love for us. We are challenged to reflect that in our relationships with one another, and also to pray the beautiful prayer printed on the covenant cards, which are available at your corps.
Other resources for this day can be found in the resource centre to inspire people leading and sharing in worship. There are prayers, creative ideas and sermon notes on John 10:10 by Captain Callum McKenna (William Booth College). These provide an in-depth focus on the teaching of Jesus when he said in that verse: ‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.’
Where does Sunday 8 January find you? Sharing in worship at a corps or another Christian church? Circumstances may mean that you are at home or away from home. Maybe you join in online meetings these days.
Wherever you are, I hope that you will take a moment to pray, to reflect, to make or renew your covenant of love to God, through Jesus Christ who offers life in all its fullness to all who receive his salvation.
May you know God’s richest blessings in 2023.
Written by

Lieut-Colonel Jayne Roberts
Secretary for Spiritual Life Development

DFL is a weekend retreat at William Booth College to help you discern God's calling.