25 April 2022
Together 2022: Love God, Love Others
Colonel Paul Main
Chief Secretary Colonel Paul Main gives an overview of July’s territorial celebration.
Together 2022 is the new territorial celebration weekend that takes place from 15 to 17 July. It will bring together Commissioning, congress and Symphony Sounds for an exciting weekend of worship, teaching, music and sport in a celebration of living life with Jesus.
The Salvation Army will take over the International Convention Centre and surrounding sites in Birmingham for the event. It will bring people together under the theme of Love God, Love Others – based on Jesus’ greatest commandment in Matthew 22:37–39 to ‘love the Lord your God’ and ‘love your neighbour as yourself’.
Loving God and loving others underpins, inspires and motivates everything we do in every part of The Salvation Army. At Together 2022 we’ll consider that we must not simply love God while ignoring others, but neither should we love others and behave as if God does not exist. As we gather, either in person or online, this theme will be the focus of our Bible study, teaching and worship.

Together 2022 will begin on Friday night with a prayer walk, asking the Lord to bless and use our weekend for his purposes. This will be followed by a festival from the International Staff Band and International Staff Songsters with guest soloist Charlie Green.
On Saturday there is a packed day of events planned for young and old, including a park run and Bible study in the open air and in the main venue. There will be a marketplace where people can meet up with friends, make new ones and learn more about Salvation Army mission and resources.
There will also be an SP&S stall as well as workshops on everything from communications to candidates. Fringe events will take place outside the venue, including choirs, buskers and plenty of activities for children and youth to enjoy.

Saturday evening will take the form of three festivals featuring local worship groups, the international staff sections, video presentations of Salvation Army mission around the UK and Ireland and Bible teaching from our territorial leaders.
On Sunday the commissioning and ordination of the Messengers of Reconciliation session of cadets will be a significant element of our corporate worship. Cadets will feature throughout the weekend, but Sunday morning will be a special opportunity for everyone to connect as we celebrate their commitment and give glory to God for them and their families.
Sunday afternoon will feature the sending out of our newly commissioned officers and a recognition of all those within the territory who have taken on new leadership roles.
The weekend will conclude with more opportunities for celebration and personal commitment as we prepare to go back into our communities to love God and love others.
Plan to be there. You won’t want to miss out.
Written by

Colonel Paul Main
Chief Secretary