Get OWT!
Get OWT! is a family-oriented programme that uses nature to nurture little ones.
Use the session outlines below as a starting point to help deliver an exciting and engaging outdoor experience for toddlers and their carers.

Get OWT! has been created to help toddlers and their carers experience the benefits of nature through fun and creative activities. The hope and prayer is that this resource will be customised to suit various settings and situations accordingly, ensuring families can experience Family Ministry values in an engaging way.
For each session you will find bible based Jump IN! content. This material is in addition to the regular Jump IN! content as it applies directly to the themes covered in the Get OWT! material.
The planning and preparation documents have been created to help you develop and deliver an effective and engaging programme as well as providing the space and tools needed to help you take into account the things you will need to consider before launch.

Get OWT! Safety Sheet
Safety sheet to be personalised by individual corps and included in Activity Packs

Get OWT! Checklist
Checklist to help plan, prepare and launch Get OWT!

Get OWT! Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment to complete prior to starting

Get OWT! Poster Option Two
Editable Get OWT! poster option two

Get OWT! Safety Sheet
Safety sheet to be personalised by individual corps and included in Activity Packs

Appendix 28 - Session Log Book
Session log book

Get OWT! Notice for Door
Editable sign for door

Get OWT! Hand Washing Sign
Sign to display at Event Shelter

Get OWT! Donation Sign
Sign to display at Event Shelter

Get OWT! Record of Attendance
Record of attendance

NEW Jump IN! Olympic Games
A special session outline for use with children and families to explore the summer Olympic Games in conjunction with Get OWT resources.

Get OWT Week 1 - Dinosaur Activity Sheet
Activity sheet to be included in Activity Pack for attendees

Get OWT Week 1 - Design a Dinosaur
Dinosaur template to use in week 1

Get OWT Week 1 - Dinosaur Trail Cards
Dinosaur cards to use in week 1
Jump In!
- I Love you little Dinosaur, Suzy Senior
Bible Verse
- Genesis 1:24-25 (ICB)
Then God said, “Let the earth be filled with animals. And let each produce more of its own kind. Let there be tame animals and small crawling animals and wild animals. And let each produce more of its kind.” And it happened. So, God made the wild animals, the tame animals and all the small crawling animals to produce more of their own kind. God saw that this was good.
Things to Think about… (Mindful moments)
- When God looked at all he had created, he saw that it was good. What do you think is good about God’s creation?
- God made us all different and special with different gifts and talents. What is something special about you?
Father God,
Your world is amazing! Thank you that you made it so good!
Thank you too that you made us all different and special – help us to look after your world and each other.
Song suggestions
- The Lion’s Roar
- He Made Me!

Get OWT Week 2 - Colour Hunt
Colour hunt activity to use in week 2

Get OWT Week 2 - Activity Sheet
Activity sheet to be included in Activity Packs for attendees
Jump In
- I Can Eat a Rainbow, Olena Rose or God’s Love is like a Rainbow, Make Believe Ideas
Bible Story
- Safe from the Storm (Genesis 6:9-8:22) The Play-Along-Bible, Bob Hartman (Pg 19)
Things to Think about… (Mindful moments)
- Do you have a favourite colour? Do you think God has a favourite colour?
- God put the rainbow in the sky as a symbol of hope and love. What does the rainbow say to you?
Thank you, God, for the rainbow world that you have made for us.
For red tomatoes and strawberries
For orange carrots and juicy oranges
For yellow bananas and lemons
For green cabbages and broccoli
For blue sea and water
For purple grapes and flowers
Thank you, God, that the rainbow reminds us that you love us very much.
Song suggestions
- God’s rainbow,
- When you see a rainbow, remember God is love
- Rainbow

Get OWT! Week 3 - Home Activity Sheet
Home activity sheet
- Herman needs a Home, Lucy Noguera
Bible story
- A Home for Elisha, 2 Kings 4:8-10 (ICB)
One day Elisha went to Shunem. An important woman lived there. She begged Elisha to stay and eat. So every time Elisha passed by, he stopped there to eat. The woman said to her husband, “I know that Elisha is a holy man of God. He passes by our house all the time. 10 Let’s make a small room on the roof. Let’s put a bed in the room for Elisha. And we can put a table, a chair and a lampstand there. Then when he comes by, he can stay there.”
Things to Think about… (Mindful moments)
- What do you like about where you live?
- Can you imagine not having a home? Unfortunately, some people don’t have somewhere to call home. There are many good charities that support homeless people though, such as: Shelter, Crisis and The Salvation Army. Have a think about how you could possibly support the work of these charities.
Thank you, God, for my home – a place that is safe and warm.
Thank you also for the people who live there with me.
We pray today especially for anyone who doesn’t have a home and ask that you will keep them safe.
Song suggestions
- Tune: 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
Busy bees live in a hive
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
Roaring lions like a den
Mice live in a hole,
Hippos like in mud to roll,
Fish swim in the sea,
But my home is best for me!
- The Wise Man built his house upon the rock

Get OWT week four - Senses
Activity sheet for participants

Get OWT week four - Senses Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger hunt sheet
Jump In!
- God made Me, Jane Taylor or We’re going on a Bear Hunt, Michael Rosen
Bible Verse
- Psalm 139:24-25 (ICB)
I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well.
Bible Story
- Hearing God’s voice, (1 Samuel 3:1-11) The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman (Pg 41)
Things to Think about… (Mindful moments)
- Try to be completely quiet for one minute – can you do it? How many different sounds can you hear? Have you ever heard God speak to you?
- Can you imagine living without sight, sound, touch, taste or smell? It would be hard, huh? Unfortunately, some people do! Maybe you could think about ways you can help those who might struggle without one of these senses.
Father God,
Our senses are so important and help us connect with the world and with other people.
Thank you, God, that you can speak to our hearts and minds and remind us how loved we are by you.
Help us to be quiet and to make time to listen.
Song suggestions
- Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle
I am learning all about me,
I can hear and I can see,
I can talk and taste and smell,
I can touch and move as well.
Thank you, God, for making me, me!
I’m as happy as can be.
- I am wonderfully made

Get OWT Rain Week - Bug Safari
Get OWT! rain week bug safari activity sheet

Get OWT Rain Week - Bug Hunt Trail
Get OWT bug hunt trail sheet
Jump In!
- Hermie and Friends, Max Lucado
Bible Verse
- Genesis 1:25 (ICB)
So, God made the wild animals, the tame animals and all the small crawling animals to produce more of their own kind. God saw that this was good.
Bible Story
- In God’s Image, (Genesis 1:24-31, 2:2-7) The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman (Pg 12)
Things to Think about… (Mindful moments)
- Why is it important that it rains? How does the world look different when it rains?
- Are you afraid of any bugs or creepy crawly insects? God tells us many times in the Bible that we don’t every have to be afraid because he promises to always be with us.
- Incy Wincy Spider keeps climbing up the waterspout. Even when the rain tries its best to stop him, he just doesn’t give up! Can you think of a time when you had to keep going at something even though you wanted to quit?
Our Father God,
Sometimes when it rains we moan about getting wet but we know that the rain is important to make sure there is enough water.
We thank you for all the bugs and insects that come out in the rain and for the part they play in the circle of life.
Thank you that the Bible is full of promises that tells us that we don’t need to be afraid because You promise to always be with us.
Song Suggestions
- I can wriggle
- Our God is a great big God

Get OWT - Old MacDonald
Get OWT Old MacDonald activity sheet

Get OWT - Old MacDonald trail cards
Get OWT Old MacDonald trail cards

Get OWT - Old MacDonald farm collage background
Get OWT Old MacDonald farm collage background
Jump In!
- The Lost Sheep, Nick Butterworth
Bible Story
- Runaway Sheep, (Luke 15:1-7) The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman (Pg 76)
Things to Think about… (Mindful moments)
- Have you ever been to a farm? What animals did you see?
- Do you know what a shepherd is? What does he have to do to look after the sheep? In the Bible we read that, “The Lord is my shepherd. I have everything I need.” (Psalm 23:1)
- Have you ever been lost? How did it feel?
Dear Lord God,
Thank you for all the farmers who grow food for us to eat and look after the farm animals. I thank you because you are my shepherd and that know me by my name. Help me when I feel lost or afraid to know that you are always with me.
Song Suggestions
- Tune: Old MacDonald had a farm
God created all the world, I know, I know, I know!
And for the world he made some…. pigs, cows, sheep etc.
I know, I know, I know!
With a …
(Follow the pattern of the traditional children’s song)
- Creator God

Get OWT Week 7 - Goldilocks
Get OWT! Goldilocks session

Get OWT Week 7 - Goldilocks story trail
Goldilocks story trail
Jump In!
- Find out about Feelings, Louise Forshaw or How do you Feel? Anthony Browne
Bible story
- Jesus loves Children, (Matthew 19:13-15) The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman (Pg 82)
Things to Think about… (Mindful moments)
- The bear family were very cross with Goldilocks after she ate Baby Bear’s porridge, broke his chair and went to sleep in his bed. What things make you feel cross? What makes you feel calm again?
- Do you think Jesus’ friends were cross when so many people took their children to see Jesus? How did Jesus feel to see them?
- How does it feel to know Jesus loves you?
Dear God,
Sometimes I feel cross and grumpy - grumpy face
Sometimes I feel scared and tired – yawn
But most of the time I feel happy – smile
Please will you help me to talk to my family about my feelings so they can help me.
Thank you that you always love me and that you understand exactly how I feel whether I’m sad or happy.
Song Suggestions
- Tune: The wheels on the bus
I sing and smile when I feel happy, I feel happy, I feel happy,
I sing and smile when I feel happy, Smile with me!
I frown and cry when I feel sad, I feel sad, I feel sad,
I frown and cry when I feel sad, Cry with me!
I stamp and scowl when I feel cross, I feel cross, I feel cross,
I stamp and scowl whey I feel cross, Stamp with me!
- How do you feel today?
- God is there

Get OWT Week 8 - Fairies
Get OWT! Fairies Activity

Get OWT Week 8 - Magical Woodland Scavenger Hunt
Magical woodland scavenger hunt
Jump In!
- The Elves and the Shoemaker
Bible Story
- The Good Neighbour, (Luke 10:30-37) The Play-Along Bible, Bob Hartman (Pg 81)
Things to Think about… (Mindful moments)
- In stories, fairies and elves often do kind things in secret for others, what kind thing could you do for someone without them knowing? Jesus tells the story of the good neighbour to help us understand how we should help each other. Could you make a card or some cakes for a neighbour or friend?
- How does it feel when someone is kind to you?
Jesus’ hands were kind hands, doing good to all,
Healing pain and sickness, blessing children small,
Washing tired feet and saving those who fall;
Jesus’ hands were kind hands, doing good to all.
Take my hands, Lord Jesus, let them work for you;
Make them strong and gentle, kind in all I do;
Let me watch you, Jesus, till I’m gentle too,
Till my hands are kind hands, quick to work for you.
Song Suggestions
- (Tune: Row, row, row your boat)
Help, help, help your mum
Help her every day,
Eat your fruit and vegetables
To grow big that’s the way!
Help, help, help your dad
Help him every day,
Tidy all your toys and games
Put everything away
Help, help, help your friends,
Help them every day,
Share your yummy snacks with them
Be happy as you play!
God’s love is enough

Get OWT Week 9 - Three Little Pigs Activity Sheet
Activity sheet to include in activity packs

Get OWT Week 9 - Touch and Feel Story Card
Touch and feel activity

Get OWT Week 9 - Colouring Sheet
Colouring in sheet

Get OWT Week 9 - Three Little Pigs Story Trail
Story trail activity
Jump In!
- The House that went Splat, Steph Williams
Bible Story
- The Two Builders, (Matthew 7:24-27)
Everyone who hears these things I say and obeys them is like a wise man. The wise man built his house on rock. It rained hard and the water rose. The winds blew and hit that house. But the house did not fall, because the house was built on rock. But the person who hears the things I teach and does not obey them is like a foolish man. The foolish man built his house on sand. It rained hard, the water rose, and the winds blew and hit that house. And the house fell with a big crash.
Things to Think about… (Mindful moments)
- At the beginning of the 3 Little Pigs, each pig worked on their own. But at the end, the pigs worked together to get rid of the wolf! What could you do together with other people to make a difference?
- How does following Jesus make us like the wise builder?
Dear Jesus
We want to build our lives – build fist on fist
Doing what makes us good and wise – 1 thumb up, 2 thumbs up
Help us to follow you each day - build fist on fist
Being kind and caring in every way – hands on heart
Song Suggestions
- Sandy land
- The Wise Man built his house upon the rock

Get OWT Week 10 - Billy Goats Gruff
Billy Goats Gruff activity sheet

Get OWT Week 10 - Billy Goats Gruff Story Trail
Story trail to accompany week 10 Get OWT activity

Get OWT Week 10 - Goat Pictures for Feeding Activity
Images for goat feeding activity
Jump In!
- Thank You God from A to Z, Pamela Kennedy
Bible story
- Bible Verse: Philippians 4 v 6 “Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have.” (ERV)
Things to Think about… (Mindful moments)
- We live in a world which tells us we always need more and better, but being grateful and appreciating what we have is what makes us feel happier. What things are you thankful for today?
- We are taught to say, “thank you” and we learn how important it is to say thank you when we are given something or when someone does something for us. Talk about how God loves it when we say thank you to Him.
Father God
There are so many things to be thankful for…
For the beauty of the world you created,
For my family, friends and everyone who loves me,
For food to eat, clothes to wear and toys to play.
There are so many things to be thankful for…
Song Suggestions
- Tune: Row, row, row your boat
We can talk to God, talk to him each day,
Anywhere or any time He loves to hear us pray.
We can talk to God, talk to him each day,
We can thank Him for good things He gives us every day.
- Thank you, Lord for this fine day
- Thank you for the world so sweet

Get OWT! Week 11 - Busy Birds Activity Sheet
Busy birds activity sheet and leader's notes

Get OWT! week 11 - Busy Birds trail
Busy birds trail sheet

Get OWT! Week 11 - Individual Birds For Trail
Busy birds for printing out for the trail
Jump In!
- ‘The Very Worried Sparrow’ by Meryl Doney - may need to be simplified for younger toddlers.
Bible story
- ‘Do not Worry’ Matthew 10:29-31 or Luke 12:6-7 (The Jesus Storybook Bible has some lovely illustrations)
- Alternative Bible Reading Matthew 6 v 25-27, The Voice
Things to Think about…(Mindful Moments)
Jesus tells us that we are more precious to God than a beautiful bird and that if he looks after them he will look after us (Matthew 6 v 26).
- How does that make you feel?
- What can we do when we feel worried about something?
Father God,
Thank you that we can come to you and pray when we are worried or upset. Today I am a bit worried about…… Help me to remember that you are always with me and that you care about me.
Song suggestions
- The Lion’s Roar
- The Birds Upon the Treetops
- Nothing’s Too Big for his Power

Get OWT Week 12 - Jungle Safari
Activity sheet for participants

Get OWT Week 12 - Jungle Safari Trail
Trail sheet

Get OWT Week 12 - Jungle Safari Trail Sheet
Trail sheet activity

Get OWT Week 12 - Dande-lion Activity
Dande-Lion Activity
Jump In!
- Rumble in the Jungle, Giles Andreae
Bible story
- The Lions Stay Hungry (Daniel 6:1-28) The Play-Along-Bible (Pg 49)
Things to Think about… (Mindful moments)
- Daniel believed he should obey God even though he ended up being thrown into the lion’s den. How do you think Daniel felt?
- God sent an angel to protect Daniel from the lions. We can trust God to keep us safe too.
Dear God
Please be with me today and help me to be kind to others.
Please be with all my family and friends and keep them safe.
Please be with people I know who aren’t very well today.
Please help us all to love each other.
Thank you that we can always talk to you and ask you to help us.
Song Suggestions
- He made me
- The Lion’s Roar
- Who’s the King of the Jungle?

Get OWT Week 13 - Mindfulness
Activity sheet for participants

Get OWT Week 13 - Mindfulness Trail
Trail activity sheet
Jump In!
- Five Minutes Peace, Jill Murray
Bible verse
- Philippians 4:8 (ICB)
Continue to think about the things that are good and worthy of praise. Think about the things that are true and honourable and right and pure and beautiful and respected
Bible Story
- Solomon asks for Wisdom (1 Kings 3:5-12)
The Lord God appeared to King Solomon n a dream and asked him, “What would you like me to give you?” Solomon answered, “Lord, you have made me King even though I am very young and don't know how to rule. So please will you give me the wisdom.” God was pleased that Solomon had asked for this, and so he said to him, “Because you have asked for the wisdom to rule justly, instead of long life for yourself or riches or the death of your enemies, I will do what you have asked. I will give you more wisdom and understanding than anyone has ever had before or will ever have again.”
Things to Think about… (Mindful moments)
- If God asked you, “What would you like me to give you?” - what would you say?
- Take a moment to sit/lie very still. Breathe in deeply. Think about how good it feels to be loved.
Thank you, God, that I can think with my mind.
Help me to think kind thoughts and to think of ways I can help others.
Help me to always remembers that you love me.
Song Suggestions
- I can love God with all of me

Get OWT - Nativity leader's sheet
Leader's sheet

Get OWT - Nativity story trail
Get OWT Nativity trail

Get OWT - Nativity characters large
Characters for use on Nativity trail

Get OWT - Nativity stable background
Stable background

Get OWT - Nativity star template
Star template for activity

Get OWT - Nativity trail tick sheet
Get OWT Nativity trail tick sheet
For more detailed information, advice and guidance read the Set-up Guide; but here are some FAQs that Captains Nick and Shelley (creators of Get OWT!) have shared their answers to.
What does a session roughly look like?
We make all the Get OWT! packs and take them to the event shelter for people to pick up. Families are asked to book in advance using Eventbrite to ensure we have a pack ready for them, though we prepare a few spares for those who forget to book. Families sign in, in their bubble, and then go and use the resources in the meadow or woodland area.
Activities that take place at the Event Shelter are booked to ensure people are not mixing bubbles. With booking in, there are enough resources for everyone. No sharing is necessary!
What if we don’t have a nice outside area to use?
You can make your venue work for you – nature is everywhere, even in a very urban area. You might need to undertake a ‘reccy’ to find out what spaces will be suitable.
We contacted our local authority to ask for permission to use the meadow and woodland. You might need to find out if you can attach resources to lamp posts, fences and gates etc. Private landowners often encourage people to explore the outdoors, so don’t be put off if the space you’d like to use is privately owned. Contact the owner and see if permission can be granted to use the space.
You can encourage people to collect their packs from the car park, which you could convert into an ‘urban garden’ or from the foyer of your building.
What happens if it rains or is very cold?
Our mantra is, ‘There’s no such thing as bad weather, only wrong clothing.’
We have journeyed with our families and they know we will be there unless the rain is torrential or the wind is dangerous or the temperature is very, very cold. Generally, families want to get out once a day and so we have trusted them to make the decision for themselves.
We will only cancel in exceptional circumstances and in line with local Covid guidelines.
Where do you find the resources you use?
We get inspiration from children’s stories, our own children, nature and creation. If you’re stuck for ideas, don’t worry, as there are lots of resources online and several good books outlining good outdoor activities. We often ask the families to suggest themes for the sessions and some parents, especially the creative ones, are happy to come up with ideas linked with the themes. We find this empowers the families we work with and helps keep them included.
You will need to photocopy the resources and source some items, but if you want to follow our programme, you will find material on this page.
What about Bible stories, singing and praying?
Our mission is that people are emotionally, socially and spiritually uplifted during Get OWT! God is the creator, and during the session families are directed to think about a variety of things in response to the activity. We pray that God will meet them in creation and in the wonder they experience. The Salvation Army’s publications (Kids Alive! and the War Cry) are put in packs or made available from the Event Shelter. These contain good stories and spiritual reflections.
We are currently putting together additional material for those seeking to make their Get OWT! sessions more overtly religious. These sessions will give leaders the option to include Bible readings, prayers and songs.