It's Autumn
'It's Autumn' is a four-session outline from 'Jump In!'
All sessions are for use with Preschool children.
'He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.'
- Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NIV)
Suggested Resources:
- The Play-Along Bible
- Playtime Praise Songs for Toddlers
- Playtime Action Songs for Toddlers
- Percussion Instruments
- Instrument Songs
Bible Story
Exodus 1:8-14; 2:11-15; 3:1-10
The Play-Along Bible
‘A Bush on Fire’, p32
Talk about how people build bonfires at this time of year to burn up all the dead leaves and how we need to be careful around bonfires and fireworks to keep safe.
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
The leaves are falling down – Autumn’s here!
The leaves are falling down – Autumn’s here!
We scrunch them with our feet as we walk along the street,
The leaves are falling down – Autumn’s here!
The fireworks go bang – Autumn’s here!
The fireworks go bang - Autumn’s here!
They shoot up very high and light up all the sky,
The fireworks go bang – Autumn’s here!
- (Tune: ‘London’s burning’)
Bonfire’s burning, bonfire’s burning,
Getting hotter, getting hotter,
Fire, fire! Fire, fire!
Rockets whizzing, rockets whizzing,
Sparklers fizzing, sparklers fizzing.
- (Tune: ‘Ten green bottles’)
Five little fireworks standing in a row,
Five little fireworks standing in a row;
When one little firework decides it’s time to go,
‘5, 4, 3, 2, 1, blast off!’ (spoken)
There'll be four little fireworks standing in a row.
Four little fireworks standing in a row…… etc
Thank you, God, for days of celebration like Bonfire Night. Help us to have lots of fun at this special time, but also please keep us all safe.
Bible Story
Genesis 25:19-34; 27:1 to 33:20
The Play-Along Bible
‘Jacob’s Journey’, p23
War can be a difficult and scary concept for small children, but in this story we read how Jacob and Esau fell out but eventually made peace.
On Remembrance Day we can thank God for his peace and his presence.
You may like to show Cbeebies Poppy Animation
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
The leaves are falling down – Autumn’s here!
The leaves are falling down – Autumn’s here!
We scrunch them with our feet as we walk along the street,
The leaves are falling down – Autumn’s here!
Remember God is good – Autumn’s here!
Remember God is good – Autumn’s here!
He is with us every day and won’t ever go away,
Remember God is good – Autumn’s here!
- (Tune: ‘Frére Jacques’)
Let’s remember, let’s remember
God is good, God is good!
He is always with us, he is always with us
Every day, every day.
Dear God,
Today is a special day for remembering.
Thank you that we are able to live in peaceful times.
Help us every day to remember that you are always with us and that you love us very much.
An opportunity to raise money to support this year’s Helping-Hand Appeal
Bible Story
Mark 4:1-20 – The Parable of the Sower
Song Suggestions
- ‘Our God is a great big God’
- ‘Nothing’s too big for his power’
- ‘He’s got the whole world in his hands’
- ‘Thank you for the food we eat’
Dear God,
Thank you for our feet so we can walk. (Walk on spot / stamp feet).
Thank you for our mouths so we can speak. (Point to mouths)
Thank you for our hands so we can help others. (Wave hands)
Bible Story
Genesis 8: 1
Ecclesiastes 3:11
Talk about how we know the season has changed to autumn – falling leaves, colder weather, darker nights. Also mention about animals that hibernate.
Reassure them that even though the seasons change, God’s love for us never changes!
Craft Ideas
- Autumn-themed crafts
- Action rhyme
All the leaves are falling down, (flutter fingers downward)
Orange, green, red, and brown. (count on fingers)
If you listen, you’ll hear them say, (cup hands around ears)
‘Wintertime is on its way.’ (whispering)
Song Suggestions
- Theme Song
(Tune: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’)
The leaves are falling down – Autumn’s here!
The leaves are falling down – Autumn’s here!
We scrunch them with our feet as we walk along the street,
The leaves are falling down – Autumn’s here!
The animals go to sleep – Autumn’s here!
The animals go to sleep - Autumn’s here!
The hedgehog curls up small as he rolls into a ball,
The animals go to sleep – Autumn’s here!
Remember God is good – Autumn’s here!
Remember God is good - Autumn’s here!
He is with us every day and won’t ever go away
Remember God is good – Autumn’s here!
Dear God,
All around us we see the signs of Autumn – the weather is colder, it gets dark at teatime and the leaves have changed colour and are falling off the trees. Please keep all the animals safe as some of them go to sleep for winter.

Instrument Songs
Songs that can be used for any Jump IN! session.