International Day of Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking

We invite you to join The Salvation Army, partners, and friends worldwide to corporately cry out for justice and freedom on Sunday 24 September 2023. This year’s theme, ‘I have heard their cries,’ comes from Exodus 2:23 -25.

This theme offers The Salvation Army a space to publicly declare our collective commitment to listen and pray for the millions of people who are currently experiencing modern slavery and human trafficking. Just as God remembers, hears and is close to those who are afflicted by modern slavery and human trafficking, so do we.

To help plan your personal or corps participation in the International Day of Prayer, you can find resources linked below, such as posters, adult bible study and preaching guides, children and young person’s discussion lessons, a prayer station guide, and global prayer examples. The link will continue to be updated with resources in different languages, so please feel free to check back regularly.

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International Day of Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking Resources

Access all the resources here

Discover more

Resources for the Army's #WeAreNotForSale campaign.

Our vision is to bring an end to slavery, fight for social justice and respond with compassionate care.

Find out how you can stand in solidarity with survivors this Anti-Slavery Day.

Resources to help support key dates throughout the year