28 June 2023

Final boundary changes made for UKI Territory

A graphic shows a map of the UKI Territory with the latest divisional boundaries outlined.

On 1 July 2023 the UKI Territory completes its final transition from 22 divisions to 14, with the formation of the Central and Southern Scotland, London and South East Divisions.

The Central and Southern Scotland Division begins ministry under the leadership of Major Janet Robson; London Division under Majors Mandy and Steve White; and the expanded South East Division under Majors Linda and Mark Herbert.

Chief Secretary Colonel Paul Main said: ‘The territorial leadership team has appreciated and been encouraged by the way our divisional leaders, their teams and divisions have encouraged us throughout this past seven months of transition. Not only have you embraced the focus on local mission flourishing, you are considering how best to increase integration and collaboration where you are. Thank you for your part in this and for your ongoing engagement in improving how our church moves forward.’

Although all divisional boundary changes are now complete, work continues throughout the organisation to streamline and integrate processes, policies and procedures, with everyone having a part to play.

The Chief Secretary said: ‘As a church, we believe that God is the author and perfector of our faith. None of us starts this journey “perfect” – we are tested, challenged and have opportunities to learn and for our faith to increase. Similarly, none of our DHQ and THQ processes is perfect. However, they are worth updating and changing if they result in all our Salvation Army mission expressions flourishing. Nothing worth having comes easily but we’re committed to continual learning and improvement ensuring mission flourishes so that our communities can experience fulness of life in Jesus.

‘Please continue to pray for our Salvation Army – as new divisions commence ministry, building on the work of their forbearers; as officers move into new appointments; and as employees, volunteers, friends and officers work through improving ‘how we do things around here’ so that local mission flourishes and people see Jesus in all we do.’

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Lieut-Colonel Dean Pallant presents the Structure Co-ordination and Design Group’s proposals for the territory.