26 September 2022
The International Conference of Leaders gets under way
International Headquarters

Leaders of The Salvation Army’s 58 territories and commands have gathered in Vancouver, Canada, for the International Conference of Leaders (ICL), with Territorial Commander Commissioner Anthony Cotterill representing the United Kingdom and Ireland Territory.
Although some leaders are joining via video conference facilities, this is the first in-person gathering of leaders since 2017, and the first under the leadership of General Brian Peddle – supported by Commissioner Rosalie Peddle (World President of Women’s Ministries), the Chief of the Staff (Commissioner Lyndon Buckingham) and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham (World Secretary for Spiritual Life Development).
The aim of the conference is for officers to join in solidarity and the prayerful contemplation of a range of practical and theological issues. This international gathering will consider how the international Salvation Army can best meet its mission in the 21st century. There will be a concentrated focus on Our Identity, Our People and Our Priorities.
General Peddle said, ‘I am reminded of the adaptation of Reinhold Niebuhr’s Serenity Prayer: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”
‘At first reading, the prayer appears to be about change, but I think it is about more than that. It speaks of discernment. About intentionally being our own “critical friend” and of the ability to recognise our own strengths and weaknesses.
‘The ICL is tasked with clarifying the agenda and establishing resolve while recommending course adjustments. We are charged with intentionally and critically examining whether the Movement is fit for purpose in today’s world. Fruitful deliberation should help us to ultimately shape a strategy to help The Salvation Army flourish and meet the needs of the most vulnerable without prejudice or discrimination.
‘I ask Salvationists around the world to pray for God’s guiding hand and wisdom at the ICL.’
Members of the International Headquarters (IHQ) communications team will share regular International News Bulletins and post updates on IHQ social media platforms as well as the IHQ website and the General will continue to post his own updates on Facebook.
Salvationists are invited to share this important week with leaders. The recording of the Welcome to the ICL is available above.
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