3 May 2022
Selling the Army's papers: 'People share their joys as well as their sorrows'
Margaret Tucker

Margaret Tucker (Stockport Heaton Norris), who has received a certificate of appreciation for her ministry, shares her experience of selling Army papers and being a witness for Christ.
When I started as a herald it seemed a good opportunity to support the corps financially. That goal is maintained and remains necessary. But how much more important is it that, each week for a short while at the local railway station, I can be available to all those who pass by!
This ministry gives me numerous opportunities to be a listener, an encourager, a friend and, above all, a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ and The Salvation Army.
God does not even enter the minds of many of those who pass by but there is opportunity to pray for their salvation, their families and their situation. The surrounding noise and hustle and bustle cannot block any prayer for anyone. God is always at work.
It is helpful to be in the same place at the same time regularly. Gradually people begin to feel they know and trust you, and they share their joys as well as their sorrows and needs.
I continually hear of the way God has used the ministry of The Salvation Army to give help, hope and relief both in the past and the present.
Some tell of their faith and we share a few moments of fellowship. Others share doubts and disbelief, but giving expression to this can help them to wonder again about a heavenly Father who knows them by name and cares about them.
This is a practical work and, even in those times when it is cold and wet, I thank The Salvation Army for the opportunity for this joy-giving ministry.
Testimony by

Margaret Tucker
Stockport Heaton Norris
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