Day 22: Praying for worshipping communities (1895)
9 July 2024

Join with Salvationists of the Wales Division for day 22 of 150 days of prayer.
- ‘Our ancestors trusted in you. When they trusted you, you saved them… They trusted in you, and you did not disappoint them’ (Psalm 22:4-5, EasyEnglish Bible).
The 19 January War Cry reported on a ‘good day’ at Cardiff 2 (Roath): ‘Bandsmen and soldiers turned up well. Meetings largely attended. Three salvation, one sanctification.’
British Methodism and American holiness revivalism – both dear to William Booth – loved statistics. Numbers never tell the whole story, but they have a part to play in understanding what is going on in any given situation. Booth was a revivalist who loved to see souls receive salvation. He also recognised that growing saints (holiness) was essential for The Salvation Army; thus his intentional promotion of the contentious doctrine of holiness. An Army of soldier saints would be enthused and equipped to deliver the mission.
- Pray for all the worshipping communities in the Wales Division that the people will be enthused and empowered by the work of the Holy Spirit in their fellowships and in their individual lives.
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Captain Kathryn Stowers talks to Major Jo Moir (THQ) about celebrating 150 years of mission and ministry in Wales.