Day 47: Doing the little things faithfully (1920)
3 August 2024

Join with Salvationists of the Wales Division for day 47 of 150 days of prayer.
- ‘People from every nation, clap your hands together. Shout aloud to God, with the sound of happy songs’ (Psalm 47:1, EasyEnglish Bible).
This year saw the 1,400th anniversary of the birth of the patron saint of Wales, Dewi Sant (St David). His last words were, ‘Be joyful, keep the faith, do the little things that you have heard me see and do.’
The ministry of Major Ada Swain – an everyday saint rather than a patron saint – reflected those words of St David. An article in The Deliverer (February 1920) introduced her.
‘Major Ada Swain … told The Deliverer about her ever-growing work in Cardiff. She has under her care the big industrial home at 81 Newport Road, where Captain Nurse Trotter also undertakes emergency maternity patients; then, in Moira Terrace, there is the famous Metropole, to which has been recently added a home for old-age pensioners. Another house, eight doors along, has also been acquired within the last two years. It is called Hope Lodge and houses 32 children.’
In August that year The Deliverer reported again on Ada Swain’s work in an article titled ‘Saving the Needy in Cardiff’.
‘The insufficiency of housing accommodation causes many more problems than can be realised by people not in touch with the everyday facts. “If someone would kindly give me a whole street, and the means to run it, I could fill it right away,” remarked the major, and we felt that she would thoroughly enjoy the undertaking.
‘A man, just demobilised, called at the home with his family… All turned out to hunt for a place to live in… They were sure the major would give the best advice.
‘A girl of 19 … not without difficulty was transferred from prison to the home. Her little one was born in the maternity wing of the home and is now gladdening the home of a woman whose own little treasure died a little while ago. The young mother has been happily placed in employment.
‘A widow and her little girl came to the Metropole [Salvation Army home]. The woman was employed in the kitchen and, noticing the child’s scanty garments, the house officer set to work to make a little coat… The widow is now happily married.
‘Among the lodgers are a nearly blind girl and another who is deaf. They help one another.
‘The old-age pensioners in their dayroom, which is truly home to them, are also found contentedly busy at sewing or crochet work.’
- Reflect on what the words of St David mean to you today.
- Pray that people will see you doing the little things faithfully and joyfully, bringing glory to God.
Discover more

Captain Kathryn Stowers talks to Major Jo Moir (THQ) about celebrating 150 years of mission and ministry in Wales.