24 February 2023

The All Terrain Podcast: Episode 36

Dr Paula Gooder

Podcast artwork for episode 36 of The All Terrain Podcast featuring a photo of Paula Gooder

Host Jo Taylor is joined by Dr Paula Gooder for this month's hypothetical hike.

Paula is a popular author, speaker and writer on the Bible, particularly on the New Testament. She is currently the Canon Chancellor of St Paul’s Cathedral in London.

Paula’s latest book is Lydia: A Story. The New Testament tells us very little about Lydia, a seller of purple cloth who was living in Philippi when she met the apostle Paul on his second missionary journey, and yet she is considered the first recorded convert to Christianity in Europe. In this work of Biblical fiction, Paula tells Lydia's story - who she was, the life she lived and her first-century faith - and in doing so opens up Paul's letter to the Philippians, giving a sense of the cultural and historical pressures that shaped Paul's thinking, and the faith of the early church.

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