24 September 2023
Ep 31: Sunday Worship with Major Estelle Blake
Territorial Chaplaincy Officer Major Estelle Blake shares a Bible message for The Salvation Army's International Day of Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking.
Music used with permission from SP&S: International Staff Songsters featuring soloist Kevin Fenton-Herring, 'There Will Be God'
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Tune in to Salvationist Radio
This podcast shares highlights from Salvationist Radio's Sunday Worship. Listen to the full worship meeting on Sundays at 11am. The programme is repeated on Sundays at 6pm, Mondays at 12am and Thursdays at 9am (London, UK times).
Discover more

Resources to help plan your personal or corps participation in the International Day of Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking.

Major Estelle Blake unpacks the vital role that chaplains play in safe houses for survivors of modern slavery.

The Anti-Trafficking and Modern Slavery Department presents a concert to mark Anti-Slavery Day 2023.

Salvationist finds out why people choose to volunteer for the Anti-Trafficking and Modern Slavery Department.