19 May 2022

30 Tallest Buildings Challenge: Raise funds for your corps

Captain Mark Scoulding wearing his 30 Tallest Buildings Challenge t-shirt
Captain Mark Scoulding takes on the big climb to help his corps respond to the cost of living crisis.

You may have seen on salvationarmy.org.uk and on social media that our Community and Events Fundraising Unit has launched its first ever challenge on Facebook.

They are inviting people to raise funds for the Army’s work by climbing the equivalent height of the tallest buildings in 30 countries over the 30 days in June. To complete the climb people can use their stairs at home, use a machine in the gym or walk up their favourite flight of steps.

Corps can use the campaign to generate income for local projects, and Captain Mark Scoulding, corps officer at Watford, is rising to the challenge.

He says: ‘The cost of living crisis will hit our community hard. Our friends and partners are helping us to raise funds so that we can meet whatever needs emerge. I’m using JustGiving to build a team. We’ll be encouraging each other, pooling resources and building some friendly competition!’

For more information about taking part, download the corps toolkit or contact the Community and Events Fundraising team by emailing 30tallestbuildings@salvationarmy.org.uk.

Sports Mission Lead Rob Moye has also created a special resource to help people ‘pause, pray and prepare’ as they take on the challenge.

A key Bible verse used in the resource is Isaiah 30:21: ‘Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”’

If you’re taking part in the challenge, let us know. We’d love to see your photos and feature them here on salvationist.org.uk. You can contact us via salvationist@salvationarmy.org.uk.

Happy climbing!



Download our toolkit to help you raise funds for your corps this June.


‘Pause, pray and prepare’ as you take on the 30 Tallest Buildings Challenge.

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