Who Is This Jesus Anyway?
Who is this Jesus anyway? And why is he important? Should we avoid him, ignore him, pretend he never existed?
In an age filled with ready information, it is strange to note that there are still some otherwise well educated people who don’t seem to realise that Jesus Christ is an historical fact – that he actually lived. Even though the Common Era calendar begins from his birth (AD) and the centuries before are listed as BC the fact of his life – and its impact since – hasn’t been fully grasped by a surprising number of people.
This helpful leaflet will help you discover more about Jesus, and point you in the direction of further information.
All Versions

Who Is This Jesus Anyway? - English Version
This handout works well:
- For helping you reach out to non-Christians
- For new Christians
- For those that want to learn more about Jesus
Price: First 50 copies – Free for SA corps/centres in the UK and Ireland.
Additional copies – £0.10 each (plus P&P).

Who Is This Jesus Anyway? - Spanish Version
Now also available to download in Spanish.
Other useful links

These resources are a great way to introduce your corps to members of your community as well as share info about The Salvation Army nationally.

Check out the exciting new range of 'Hello' giveaways available to order for your community outreach events.

A range of leaflets, posters, banners and giveaways to support your community events.

A collection of posters and flyers translated in a number of languages that can be used in your corps or centre.