Care for Creation Youth Small Group
Over four sessions we are exploring this important mission priority for The Salvation Army in the UK. You will find lots of video clips within these sessions that will display God’s creation and provide accurate background information around this topic. The Salvation Army is committed to helping change attitudes, resulting in a more responsible use of the planet. We seek to provide practical care and advocacy for people affected by damage to the environment. People will not experience fullness of life unless God’s creation is protected and cared for.
If you are interested in more Youth Small Group material then please click here where you will find a large resource bank covering a whole range of topics. New material is added monthly.
Genesis 1:31 says: ‘God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.’ As we consider the mission priority ‘Care for Creation’ we are going to take time to consider the beauty of our world. We’re going to take a moment to stop and marvel at the creation God is asking us to care for. In today’s session we will spend time looking at the creation story and start to reflect on the part we play in caring for God’s world.
- When you think of God’s amazing creation, which place comes to mind?
- Is this somewhere you’ve visited or would like to go one day?
Watch the clip together and discuss the questions.
Top 10 World’s Strangest Natural Wonders (7 min 43 secs)
- Which place would you most like to visit? Explain why.
- Which place did you find most fascinating? Explain why.
Additional activity
- Is there a place that you go to in your local area to enjoy God’s creation?
- Where is it, and why is it so special to you?
Many of us have heard the creation story so many times that we skip past the wonder of it all. In debates with those who question God’s existence, we get caught up in heated discussions about the detail of creation and lose sight of the amazing Creator. Even within the Church there is much debate about how the world was created and the wonder of it all can be lost. There is a time for debate and discussion, but today is a time for wonder.
The dictionary describes ‘wonder' as a feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar.
- What parts of God’s creation fill you with wonder?
Look through the ‘Creation’ presentation together. There are no specific discussion questions for this section, but the aim is to encourage a discussion about the wonder of God’s creation.
Bring the discussions to a close and give each member of the group a copy of the ‘Creation Story’ handout. Assign roles for reading out Genesis 1-2:3 from The Voice translation.
Additional activity
Following along and making notes in their Bibles, ask the group to explore Genesis 1 in more detail by watching the clip.
Genesis 1 – Bible Project (7 min 18 sec)
- What new understanding of God’s creation does the information in the clip give you?
We have spent today’s session looking at the amazing world God created and considered what we believe about the way it was created.
Now it’s time to get creative!
Write a psalm, poem, spoken word, song of praise, or draw a sketch celebrating God’s creation. This could be done either individually or as a group. Use the images we have looked at today as inspiration or look through the ‘God’s Creation’ presentation for additional ideas.
Ask the group to share what they have created.
Additional activity
Reflect on all the images you have seen during this session and spend time in prayer together. Focus your prayers on thanking God for different aspects of his creation.
If the group would prefer to pray and reflect alone, then the following piece of music could be used.
‘So Will I (100 Billion X)’ Lyric Video – Hillsong Worship (7 min 4 sec)
With each mission priority we’ve spent time looking at the wording and discussing what it means for us individually and as a church. This month we are going to use the same process to think about the ‘Care for Creation’ mission priority.
This activity can be done in a number of ways depending on whether you are meeting in person or online. Either way, each member of the group will need a copy of the mission priority.
Read through the statement a couple of times.
Care for Creation
The Salvation Army is committed to helping change attitudes, resulting in a more responsible use of the planet. We seek to provide practical care and advocacy for people affected by damage to the environment. People will not experience fullness of life unless God’s creation is protected and cared for.
Generate questions around this statement and highlight words that require clarification. At the end of the four sessions, these questions will be revisited for further discussion.
Example questions:
- What attitudes need to change? How do we play a role in that?
- What does it mean to be an advocate?
Additional activity
- Why is it important to spend time enjoying and focusing on the wonder of God’s creation, before we consider the ‘Care for Creation’ mission priority?
The mental health charity Mind states that spending time in nature has a significant positive impact on our wellbeing.
- What steps could you take to spend more time in God’s creation?
Creation Story
Genesis 1-2:3 The Voice paraphrase
Narrator One: Out of nowhere, time, space, and all the living whirl forth as God speaks the universe into existence. With the utterance of his voice, creation takes form, chaos yields to order, light eclipses darkness, and emptiness fills with life. Not long after God creates the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve, the story takes a tragic turn when the first couple disobeys the clear instruction from God not to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. As a result, humanity falls from God’s intended perfection. The disastrous consequences of this decisive act are demonstrated in Cain’s murder of Abel, Noah’s flood, and the Tower of Babel.
Narrator Two: 1 In the beginning, God created everything: the heavens above and the earth below. Here’s what happened: 2 At first the earth lacked shape and was totally empty, and a dark fog draped over the deep while God’s spirit-wind hovered over the surface of the empty waters. Then there was the voice of God.
God: 3 Let there be light.
Narrator Three: And light flashed into being. 4 God saw that the light was beautiful and good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God named the light ‘day’ and the darkness ‘night.’ Evening gave way to morning. That was day one.
God: 6 Let there be a vast expanse in the middle of the waters. Let the waters above part from the waters below.
Narrator Four: 7 So God parted the waters and formed this expanse, separating the waters above from the waters below. It happened just as God said. 8 And God called the vast expanse ‘sky’. Evening gave way to morning. That was day two.
God: 9 Let the waters below the heavens be collected into one place and congregate into one vast sea, so that dry land may appear.
Narrator Two: It happened just as God said. 10 God called the dry land ‘earth’ and the waters congregated below ‘seas’. And God saw that his new creation was beautiful and good.
God: 11 Earth, sprout green vegetation! Grow all varieties of seed-bearing plants and all sorts of fruit-bearing trees.
Narrator Three: It happened just as God said. 12 The earth produced vegetation – seed-bearing plants of all varieties and fruit-bearing trees of all sorts. And God saw that his new creation was beautiful and good. 13 Evening gave way to morning. That was day three.
God: 14-15 Lights, come out! Shine in the vast expanse of heavens’ sky dividing day from night to mark the seasons, days, and years. Lights, warm the earth with your light.
Narrator Four: It happened just as God said. 16 God fashioned the two great lights – the brighter to mark the course of day, the dimmer to mark the course of night – and the Divine needled night with the stars. 17 God set them in heavens’ sky to cast warm light on the earth, 18 to rule over the day and night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that his new creation was beautiful and good. 19 Evening gave way to morning. That was day four.
God: 20 Waters, swarm with fish and sea creatures. Let birds soar high above the earth in the broad expanse of sky.
Narrator One: 21 So God created huge sea creatures, all the swarm of life in the waters, and every kind and species of flying birds – each able to reproduce its own kind. And God saw that his new creation was beautiful and good. 22 And God spoke this blessing over them:
God: Be fruitful and multiply. Let creatures fill the seas. Let birds reproduce and cover the earth.
Narrator Two: 23 Evening gave way to morning. That was day five.
God: 24 Earth, generate life! Produce a vast variety of living creatures – domesticated animals, small creeping creatures, and wild animals that roam the earth.
Narrator Three: It happened just as God said. 25 God made earth-creatures in a vast variety of species: wild animals, domesticated animals of all sizes, and small creeping creatures, each able to reproduce its own kind. God saw that his new creation was beautiful and good. And God paused.
God: 26 Now let us conceive a new creation – humanity – made in our image, fashioned according to our likeness. And let us grant them authority over all the earth – the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, the domesticated animals and the small creeping creatures on the earth.
Narrator Four: 27 So God did just that. He created humanity in his image, created them male and female. 28 Then God blessed them and gave them this directive: ‘Be fruitful and multiply. Populate the earth. I make you trustees of my estate, so care for my creation and rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and every creature that roams across the earth.’
Narrator One: The crown of God’s creation is a new creature, a creature that can sound the heartbeat of its Creator. That creature, made male and female, reflects God’s own relational richness. The human family is to join God in the ongoing work of creation. The earth below and the sky above with all their inhabitants are too beautiful and too good to be left alone. They need the tender care and close attention that only God’s favoured creature can give.
God (to humanity): 29 Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant that grows on the earth and every fruit-bearing tree. They will be your food and nourishment. 30 As for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and every small creeping creature – everything that breathes the breath of life – I have given them every green plant for food.
Narrator Two: And it happened just as God said. 31 Then God surveyed everything he had made, savouring its beauty and appreciating its goodness. Evening gave way to morning. That was day six.
Genesis 2
Narrator Three: So now you see how the Creator swept into being the spangled heavens, the earth, and all their hosts in six days. On the seventh day – with the canvas of the cosmos completed – God paused from his labour and rested. Thus God blessed day seven and made it special – an open time for pause and restoration, a sacred zone of Sabbath-keeping, because God rested from all the work he had done in creation that day.
Narrator Four: God’s rest on the seventh day is a model for the kind of Sabbath rest he wants for his people.
In Session Two we discover God’s role for humanity in caring for his creation. We’ll consider why it is important for us to care for God’s Earth and how that links closely with our love for God and love for others. In this session we will also consider practical ways we can take steps to care for the planet and do our part in fulfilling the ‘Care for Creation’ mission priority.
Sir David Attenborough has been at the forefront of environmental campaigning for decades – but the question is: How David Attenborough are you?
Have a go at the quiz together and see who is the most like the United Kingdom’s environmental icon.
How David Attenborough are you?
There are 20 question to answer and discuss.
Additional activity
As you completed the quiz you discovered many troubling facts about the state of the environment.
- Which one stood out for you the most? Explain why.
Caring for creation is an integral part of who God created us to be.
Read the following Scriptures and discuss the role God intends humans to have in caring for creation.
- Genesis 1:26-28
- Genesis 2:15
As followers of God we have a personal responsibility to care for the world he created.
- Why are we responsible for caring for God’s creation?
- On a scale of 1-10 how seriously do you take that responsibility? Explain your answer.
The aim of this discussion is not to make us feel guilty about how little we may do to care for God’s creation, but prompt us to respond in a way that shows our love for the Creator.
Watch the clip and discuss the questions.
Why Should Christians Care for Creation? (2 min 17 secs)
- In what ways do we personally neglect God’s creation?
As Christians, and as members of The Salvation Army, we are called to ‘Love God, Love Others’.
- How does the way we care for creation help us to fulfil our purpose to ‘Love God, Love Others’?
Unfortunately, many aspects of the environmental movement have become highly politicised, and people – including some Christians – are unwilling to listen to the actions that need to be taken to care for creation. One of the elements of the ‘Care for Creation’ mission priority is a commitment to ‘changing attitudes, resulting in a more responsible use of the planet.
- Is there anyone you know who is reluctant to hear about the importance of caring for creation?
You don’t need to name them but you might want to share what kind of attitudes they hold.
- What do you think would be the best way to help them to change their attitude in this area?
- Thinking about what you have discovered so far in these sessions, is there anything about your own attitude that has changed? Share your thoughts.
Additional activity
As mentioned in Session One, there are many different standpoints within the Christian Church regarding the creation story. There are those who believe that God created the world in a literal seven days and refuse to acknowledge evolution, and there are those that see the creation story as just that – a story (though a poetic story with deep meaning)! Discussing this issue with people who do not believe in God can be challenging as it is often assumed that the worlds of faith and science must remain separate.
Watch the clip together.
Evolution & God – BioLogos (2 min 46 sec)
- Does this help you to clarify what you believe about the creation of the world and the part God plays in evolution?
In Genesis 1:31 it says:
‘God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.’
In the events that followed this verse, Adam and Eve strayed from the path God had set out for them. This led us to the distorted world that we live in today. Caring for God’s creation became more difficult from that moment onwards – but would we have made a different choice?
Read the following extract from Nichole Nordeman’s book Love Story – The Hand That Holds Us From the Garden to the Gates.
‘I know it's easy to read the story and feel smug, as if we would have certainly chosen otherwise. My inner cynic demands, “Was complete utopia not quite enough for you, Eve?” Was she not satisfied enough with her burden-free life, nestled in paradise, wanting for nothing, and lunching with God? How do you actually experience the grass-is-greener phenomenon in Eden, lady?!
And Adam. Could he not have found the courage to challenge Eve’s decision to eat the fruit? Did he not possess enough conviction or bravery to stand up to a naked lady and a fruit? Not exactly Goliath, buddy. Way to man up.
In our sophisticated modern faith, we shake our heads at their choices. We blame our personal pain and the whole world’s ills on that pivotal moment, the fall. When we don’t know how to explain away broken hearts or hurricanes or cancer or war, we point to Adam and Eve and say, ‘Hey, thanks a lot, guys.’
Of course, there’s truth in tracing the path of darkness right back to a shady tree and a tragic choice, but I think Adam and Eve get a bad rap. Because I know this much: if we had managed to live in peace and harmony in the garden for thousands upon thousands of years, all of creation in a perpetual state of spotless obedience and blissful paradise until the twenty-first century, I would have been the one who wrecked it all to pieces.’
Nichole Nordeman: Love Story – The Hand That Holds Us From the Garden to the Gates
- What is your response to Nichole’s take on the story of Adam and Eve’s fall from grace?
We may all fall short of caring for creation in the way God intended, but through the grace of Jesus Christ we are able to make a new choices each day to restore this broken world, rather than damage it further.
Pray together.
Eternal God,
whose Spirit moved over the face of the deep bringing forth light and life;
by that same Spirit, renew your creation, and restore your image in your people.
Turn us from careless tenants to faithful stewards,
that your threefold blessing of clean air, pure water and rich earth
may be the inheritance of everything that has the breath of life
and one generation may proclaim to another the wonder of your works;
through Jesus Christ, your living Word,
in whom the fullness of your glory is revealed.
– Rt Revd Libby Lane, Bishop of Stockport
Additional activity
For each chapter of Nichole Nordeman’s book there is a corresponding song that links to the theme. Watch the clip together as you reflect on the issues discussed so far in this session.
Matthew West & Leigh Nash, Music Inspired by the Story ‘Good’ Adam and Eve (6 min 1 sec)
As Christians we have a responsibility to care for creation through our actions, but we also need to ensure that we access accurate information and inform ourselves about what is happening in the world. In our starter you had the chance to discover how much you are like Sir David Attenborough. We are now going to hear from the man himself!
Watch the clip and visit the website link to discover more about how to care for creation. Jot down all the ways you can take personal steps to play your part.
How to Save Our Planet (8 min 11 sec)
Things you can do:
The main ideas listed on the website are as follows:
1. Use your voice
2. Be informed
3. Be political
4. Travel responsibly
5. Eat sustainably
6. Reduce waste
Discuss your ideas as a group.
- What specific action will you take in response to what you have discussed?
- How will you encourage others, particularly fellow Christians, to take action to care for creation?
Additional activity
This clip from the Lausanne Movement provides extra background information around the theme of caring for our creation.
An Introduction to Creation Care (5 min 24 sec)
- In what ways is caring for an environment is an expression of worship?
- What messages of hope and positivity are there in this clip?
Session Three recaps our role as humans in caring for God’s creation from the perspective of our church. In the previous session our focus was on the individual actions we could take to address environmental issues. Today we shift our attention to the local corps and discover ways we can care for creation in our church community.
For a bit of fun we’re going to look at God’s creation in a slightly different way to start off today’s session. Watch the clip and discuss which animal attribute you’d rather have.
Would You Rather – Animal Choice Quiz (3 min 12 sec)
Additional activity
- Which animal most represents your personality?
- Do the rest of the group agree or do they have a different idea?
The following section is based around ‘The Salvation Army International Positional Statement – Caring for the Environment’.
In the first session we took the time to focus on the wonder of God’s creation. Then in Session Two we looked at the role humans play in caring for creation. Today we’re going to look at The Salvation Army’s positional statement with regard to caring for the environment and then explore the biblical background that led to this statement.
Give each member of the group a copy of the positional statement (p2 of the Positional booklet)
Statement of Position
‘The Salvation Army believes people are made in the image of God. He has entrusted us to reflect his personality by caring for the Earth and everything in it.
The Salvation Army recognises environmental degradation as one of the most pressing issues facing the world today, affecting us all. Its effects fall disproportionately on the most vulnerable, particularly in terms of health, livelihood, shelter and the opportunity to make choices. The very survival of humanity depends on the health of the whole ecosystem.
In addition to being compelled by lived experience, the Salvation Army also accepts the scientific evidence that demands action on all levels to lessen the effects of environmental damage. It is committed to sustainable environmental practices which are required to safeguard the integrity of creation.’
- Is The Salvation Army’s positional statement in line with what you believe about the importance of caring for creation? How is it similar/different?
- In what ways does your local Salvation Army setting reflect this positional statement? If you don’t know the answer, then how could you get involved to find out what your corps is doing?
God is the Creator, Preserver and Governor of all things. By its very existence, the universe praises God and displays God’s glory. The wellbeing of the system has always mattered to God. Before the creation of people, God declared the goodness of the starry heavens and earth’s lands, seas, plants and animals.
Read Genesis 1:26-28 and Genesis 2:15.
- What responsibility did God gives humans with regard to caring for his creation?
Read Genesis 3:1-6.
- According to Scripture, what changed the perfection of creation?
Once sin entered the world, the harmony of Eden was broken. The interdependence of humanity and the rest of creation continues, but frequently with tension and negative consequences.
Read Romans 8:22 and Isaiah 24:4-6.
- What examples do you see of creation ‘groaning’ in pain?
- What current-day examples do you see of Isaiah’s description of the world?
Read Psalm 24:1 and Matthew 6:25-30.
- How do these verses describe God’s involvement in creation?
The Salvation Army Handbook of Doctrine (2013, p33) puts it like this: ‘God’s authority over the created order does not mean rigid and overbearing control but rather a caring, dynamic, interactive relationship with his creation. He works in co-operation with his creation to fulfil his purposes for it … Our challenge is to treat the earth well in the light of increasing population and diminishing resources.
The world was made to praise God and reveal his glory (Psalm 19:1-6); our stewardship of it furthers that end.’
- As the United Kingdom Territory of The Salvation Army, how well do you think we are ‘meeting the challenge’ to treat the Earth well?
The group may respond that they don’t know how The Salvation Army is doing. This could lead to a discussion about the personal responsibility we have to be part of the church family and make a difference ourselves.
Additional activity
Watch the clip from this year’s Self-Denial Appeal to discover what The Salvation Army is doing to care for God’s creation. Start the clip at 1 min 51 sec.
Self-Denial 2022 – Episode 1 – Care for Creation (5 min 27 sec)
- What does the clip tell you about The Salvation Army’s work supporting people across the world impacted by climate change?
When we look at the work of The Salvation Army throughout the world, caring for creation may seem a little distant. Most of us can’t take an active part in supporting projects abroad as we are living our lives here in the UK. Although we can make financial contributions, it can be difficult to get involved in a practical way.
However, there are still things that we can do to help.
- In the last session we thought about the different ways we could care for creation individually. What were some of the ideas?
Today we’re going to focus on our local corps. Many churches across the country take part in the Eco Church programme. Watch the clip to find out more.
Eco Church in the Diocese of Winchester (4 min 26 sec)
The Eco Church survey provides churches with an opportunity to think about the way they are operating and what impact they have on the environment around them. The questionnaire is divided into five sections:
- Worship and Teaching
- Buildings
- Land
- Community and Global Engagement
- Lifestyle
Prior to the session, print out a copy of the Eco-Church Survey. The aim of the activity is to give the young people an opportunity to look through the questionnaire and consider the different ways their corps could be better stewards of creation. This can be done in a number of ways depending on your group size. You could divide the group into pairs and give them each a section of the questionnaire to discuss and feed back on. If not, you could pick out key questions to discuss from each section.
- Is the Eco Church questionnaire something that you feel would be useful for your corps to complete? If so, why?
- What next steps could you take as a group to help your corps care for creation?
Additional activity
Part of the Care for Creation mission priority highlights a commitment to helping change the attitudes of others.
- If you shared the Eco Church questionnaire with your corps, what attitudes do you think you might need to help change?
- What teaching from the previous session might people need to hear in order for them to change their attitude towards the importance of caring for creation?
In the Eco Church questionnaire, five main areas linked to creation care are mentioned.
- Worship and Teaching
- Buildings
- Land
- Community and Global Engagement
- Lifestyle
Through God’s power working in us and through creation, we can make the changes necessary to care for our planet. Today we explored what this might look like for our denomination and for our local corps. Reflect on the discussions you have had today and spend time asking God for wisdom, guidance and resources to improve our care for his creation. Use the headings from the questionnaire to help you.
Additional activity
In the Witness section we focused on what we can do to care for creation in our own church and within the United Kingdom. Watch the clip and spend time thanking God for his wonderful creation here in the UK
The United Kingdom 4K – Scenic Relaxation Film with Calming Music
The clip contains drone footage of the United Kingdom with music in the background. The clip can be stopped at any time.
Set within the context of praise and worship, today’s session provides an opportunity to plan the next steps to address the ‘Care for Creation’ mission priority. The group will have time to create and plan an event or activity that helps them to better understand our responsibility as Christians to care for God’s world.
To start today’s session we’re going to stay informed and discover more about climate change in the United Kingdom.
As you watch, jot down one question to ask someone else in the group when the clip has finished.
Climate Change: It’s Real. It’s Serious. And it’s up to us to Solve It – National Geographic (1 min 56 secs)
Ask each member of the group to ask their question and see who can answer it.
Additional activity
Jot down your answer to this question and share it with the rest of the group.
- Why should Christians care about climate change?
The majority of this session will involve practical planning for an event or meeting encouraging the corps to care for creation. The Word section today aims to place this planning in the context of worship and praise. Our motivation for caring for creation comes from our love of God and love for others, rather than a personal aim for others to see things the way we do.
In our first session we spent time looking at God’s creation in awe and wonder. It is important for us to take time to praise God for his creation. With that in mind we are going to explore Psalm 148 to give us a context for caring for creation.
Give each member of the group a copy of the Psalm 148 handout.
- Which words and phrases stand out to you? Explain why.
During this session we are going to plan a practical way to share with others the importance of caring for God’s creation. Our words and actions need to come from a place of love for God and love for others. Listen to the song and spend time asking God for guidance and wisdom as you find ways to encourage others to live out the ‘care for creation’ mission priority.
‘Psalm 148 (Highly Exalted)’ Official Lyric Video (5 min 12 sec)
Additional activity
This clip is available if the group would like to explore Psalm 148 in more depth.
Psalm 148 Bible Project
Over the last four sessions we have explored the fourth mission priority for the United Kingdom Territory. We have looked at what is meant by this mission priority and what it means for us as followers of Jesus.
Read The Salvation Army’s statement to ‘Care for Creation’.
Care for Creation
The Salvation Army is committed to helping change attitudes, resulting in a more responsible use of the planet. We seek to provide practical care and advocacy for people affected by damage to the environment. People will not experience fullness of life unless God’s creation is protected and cared for.
Revisit the original questions you generated in Session One. Work through each one and discuss it in light of all you have discovered in the past four sessions.
We are all part of The Salvation Army and play an important role in caring for creation. It’s often easy to point out how our church or our denomination falls short, but the success of the mission of Jesus starts with us.
Encourage the group to think about their corps setting and how well it is achieving the ‘Care for Creation’ mission priority. The group may want to refer back to the Eco Church survey to consider how your church is doing with regards to creation care.
Share ideas about what the youth group could do to encourage your church to care for creation.
Possible ideas include:
- a presentation to the corps / corps council to encourage participation in the Eco Church award
- a ‘Care for Creation’ prayer event
- a Sunday worship meeting
- a ‘Care for Creation’ information evening
- a litter pick in the local community
- an online resource to share what the young people have discovered during these sessions
Once the group have decided what kind of ‘Care for Creation’ event they would like to run, encourage them to spend time planning the event carefully.
- What would they like to achieve?
- Who do they need to speak to in the corps to seek permission to run the event?
- Who do they need to ask about a possible budgetary contribution to the event?
- Who will be responsible for which aspects of the event?
- Are there any safeguarding considerations?
There will be many more areas for them to consider, but the aim is for the group to experience what is involved in planning and seeing through an event. As the group leader you may have a planning template that you use or can model to the young people how to keep a record of key decisions and next steps.
Recap the main points of the plan for the ‘Care for Creation’ event. Spend time as a group praying through every aspect of the plan and asking God to bless all that has been prepared. This section will be specific to what your group has prepared. As the prayer time draws to a close, remind the young people that the motivation for this event is to love God, love others and care for creation.
Psalm 148 – The Voice paraphrase
1 Praise the Eternal!
All you in the heavens, praise the Eternal;
praise Him from the highest places!
2 All you, His messengers and His armies in heaven:
praise Him!
3 Sun, moon, and all you brilliant stars above:
praise Him!
4 Highest heavens and all you waters above the heavens:
praise Him!
5 Let all things join together in a concert of praise to the name of the Eternal,
for He gave the command and they were created.
6 He put them in their places to stay forever—
He declared it so, and it is final.
7 Everything on earth, join in and praise the Eternal;
sea monsters and creatures of the deep,
8 Lightning and hail, snow and foggy mists,
violent winds all respond to His command.
9 Mountains and hills,
fruit trees and cedar forests,
10 All you animals both wild and tame,
reptiles and birds who take flight:
praise the Lord.
11 All kings and all nations,
princes and all judges of the earth,
12 All people, young men and women,
old men and children alike,
praise the Lord.
13 Let them all praise the name of the Eternal!
For His name stands alone above all others.
His glory shines greater than anything above or below.
14 He has made His people strong;
He is the praise of all who are godly,
the praise of the children of Israel, those whom He holds close.
Praise the Eternal!

Care For Creation Youth Small Group
Discover More

This song from the Right Tracks resource gives lots of ideas to help look after the environment. *Includes School Assembly Resources*

This discipleship material for children’s groups focuses on caring for creation and protecting the environment.

Supporting the territory to care for creation and tread softly on our common home.

Compelling small group discipleship material for ages 12-25 (previously known as Youth Small Group).