23 March 2024
Holy Week from home

Salvationist introduces prayer points from Journey with Jesus.
The Journey with Jesus prayer stations have been created to help people encounter God this Holy Week. Consider following these prompts in your personal prayer time and devotions wherever you are.
Jesus enters Jerusalem
Read Matthew 21:8–10
Reflect The people waved palm leaves to welcome Jesus into Jerusalem. How are we welcoming Jesus into our lives daily? How are we welcoming others?
Pray Jesus invites each one of us to faithfully follow him. Respond to his invitation and write down a word that describes who Jesus is to you. Pray that he will help you faithfully follow him.
Jesus cleanses the Temple
Read Matthew 21:12 and 13
Reflect Jesus was angry because the ‘house of prayer’ was being used for trade, profit and personal gain, with people being cheated out of their money. What would make Jesus overturn tables in the Church today?
Pray As you pray this prayer, wash your hands as a symbolic act of devotion. Lord, cleanse my heart and mind. Sanctify my motives, may they be pure and righteous. Anoint my lips to challenge the things that would anger you today. Turn over the tables in my heart. Turn over the tables in your Church. Cleanse my worship to you. Amen.
Jesus loved, Jesus betrayed
Read John 12:3 and Matthew 26:14–16
Reflect While Mary expressed her love for Jesus, Judas was secretly plotting to betray him for money. Sometimes our hearts ‘betray Jesus’ in the choices we make, thoughts we think and words we say. Ask God to bring some of these things to mind.
Pray Write a prayer of love and devotion to Jesus. Pray that he would help you to be faithful to him.
Jesus and the disciples
Read John 13:2–5 and Matthew 26:26–29
Reflect It was usually a servant’s task to wash people’s feet when they entered a house, so Jesus’ act of service was surprising to the disciples. They may have even felt embarrassed. Think about who God is asking you to serve today.
Pray Write or draw an expression of thankfulness to God for giving his only Son to die for you.
Jesus in Gethsemane
Read Matthew 26:36–46
Reflect Jesus needed the prayerful support of his closest friends. Write down the name of someone who needs prayer right now and let them know you are praying for them.
Pray Jesus knelt in the garden with his face to the ground. If you are able, kneel or sit and consider in what area of your life you need to say to God: ‘Your will be done.’ Write down what is challenging you at the moment.
Jesus suffers and dies
Read John 19:1–6 and Matthew 27:51–54
Reflect Jesus’ suffering means there is no pain in this world that he cannot identify with. He suffered not because he had sinned, but because we have. Contemplate what his sacrifice means for you.
Pray Look at some newspaper headlines and articles and take time to pray for the situations you see. Write prayers for areas of the world in which you know people are suffering deeply right now.
Jesus is risen
Read John 20:1–18
Reflect Sit, kneel or stand and think of the empty cross. Imagine you are Mary. You saw Jesus on the cross but now he is no longer in the tomb! How does that make you feel? What does his resurrection mean to you today? Take a strip of cloth and tie it somewhere as a daily reminder that Jesus is no longer dead.
Pray Take time to simply ‘be’ in Jesus’ presence. Praise him for his sacrifice and the hope of eternal life.
Discover more

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