28 July 2022

New Lieutenant: 'I have grown in ways that have surprised me'

Lieutenant Thomas Morgan

Thomas Morgan giving The Salvation. Army salute as he is commissioned
Cadet Thomas Morgan being commissioned
Lieutenant Thomas Morgan, of the newly commissioned Messengers of Reconciliation session, shares his story.

Growing up in a Salvationist family, I have always been aware of God’s love for me. I became a junior soldier aged seven but drifted away from the Army in my teenage years. Aged 19, I went to university to study music and found a spiritual home in the Anglican Church.

A few years ago I faced a crossroads in my life. I had a successful career as a teacher in a Birmingham secondary school, where I was also involved in teacher training. While the daily challenges were immense, it was a rewarding place to work. However, I felt I could no longer ignore God calling me to be an officer.

A group photo of the Messengers of Reconciliation
The Messengers of Reconciliation

God had called me several years previously, but I kept finding excuses not to act on it. This changed when I was offered the opportunity to do a doctorate in education. It would have been a huge step forward in my career. I spent much time in prayer, although the answer was clear from the start. I stayed in the school job, but began my application for officership, knowing that it was in God’s hands.

Not long afterwards I met my future wife, Joanna. I relocated from Kidderminster to Swindon when we got married. It was from Swindon Gorse Hill Corps that we entered William Booth College.

It is a unique establishment and the training was continually adapted to cope with ever-changing Covid-19 regulations. Training also gave me and Joanna opportunities to develop our individual giftings and ministries.

There have been many highlights and I have grown spiritually in ways that have challenged and surprised me. However, a few months ago, at the thanksgiving service for the life and ministry of General John Larsson, two themes emerged that felt as if God was speaking directly to me. First, that Joanna and I need to be wholly available to God and the Army in whatever appointment and in whatever territory. Second, that God’s wonderful love is new to me every morning.

Both themes have sustained me through the highs and lows of training and will remain with me throughout officership.

Written by

Thomas Morgan

Lieutenant Thomas Morgan

Corps Officer, Aberystwyth

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