An opportunity to support mission.
The annual Harvest offering is an opportunity for Salvationists to support local mission.
- 75 per cent of the money you give stays within your corps, to help you love God and love others where you are.
- 25 per cent of the money you give goes to your divisional Mission Innovation Fund to help resource new, exciting mission opportunities in your region.
Exciting and inspiring initiatives have taken root because of Harvest giving and more mission-focused activities will be seeded and given the means to grow and flourish through this year’s offering.
Mission Innovation Fund in action:
In the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus encourages us to look at what we have been given and to place that in God’s hands.
What have you been given? What could you offer back to God this Harvest?
Local giving
Corps usually organise their Harvest offering, or altar service, to take place during a worship meeting in September or October. People can give through an envelope, in which they can place cash and cheques, standing order or through a one-off online payment via this page – you will be able to give the name of your corps so funds are allocated appropriately.
For more information about your corps Harvest offering and offline giving options, please speak to your corps officer or treasurer.
Discover more

Fundraise for our social work in Lifehouses, care homes, day centres and safe houses.