Titles to equip and inspire.
Browse releases from Shield Books - the official publisher of The Salvation Army in the UK and Ireland Territory.
Featured books

Big Questions for Small Groups: The Holy Spirit
Explore key questions about the person and work of the Holy Spirit.

Songs of the Faith
A collection of of 52 devotionals, each based on the words of a song or hymn.

Short thoughts, each written on the theme of a back-page poster from an issue of 'War Cry'.

In Darkest England: 130 Years On
A celebration and reflection on General William Booth’s proposed reformation of social and welfare services from his bestselling book.
The latest publications from Shield Books

Short thoughts, each written on the theme of a back-page poster from an issue of 'War Cry'.

Explore the six behavioural values outlined in The Salvation Army’s Values Framework.

A 40-day Bible reading plan with 40 song lyrics for reflection and a Bible reading for each day, alongside a page for your own journaling.

A small group study on the new territorial vision and mission statements.

A republication of a novel from 1921 which gives a glimpse of the work of The Salvation Army during the First World War.

Nigel Bovey delves into every significant occasion that Jesus says: ‘the Kingdom of Heaven’ or ‘the Kingdom of God’.

Hayley Still explores the biblical basis for caring about the environment and the role of the Church.

Phil Garnham explores truth from the perspective of the Christian community to see if we can bring any clarity to this big question.

Ian Barr explores some of the big questions surrounding the Bible and helps make the wonder of God’s word ever more real to us.

Melvyn Jones explains that while we are called to unity in the body of Christ, it is not a one-size-fits-all unity. Rather, it is unity in diversity.

Lyndall Bywater explores some of the big questions surrounding prayer and tries to tackle some of the seemingly illogical bits too.

A celebration and reflection on General William Booth’s proposed reformation of social and welfare services from his bestselling book.

In Browsing the Bible Major Nigel Bovey gives chapter and verse on the Scriptures, with a concise overview of all 66 books.

In Blood on the Flag, Major Nigel Bovey details the history of the Skeleton Army's opposition to Booth's fledgling Salvation Army.

Major Catherine Wyles shares her own experience of a child leaving the faith and examines her personal response.

Growing Gracefully by Catherine Wyles aims to challenge the mind-set that older people are past their best-before date.

Flourishing in the Wilderness by Alice Swain seeks to show how God is with us and teaching us through trials and tribulations.

Written by Salvationist magazine editor Leiut-Colonel Jonathan Roberts, On the Altar investigates the importance of sacrifice.

Second helpings by Peter Mylechreest is a book to dip into for intriguing insights, anecdotes and food for thought.