Covenant Sunday 2024 Resources

7 January

Living in God's Covenant - Our Faithful Response 

All corps and centres will receive Covenant cards (adult and children/youth friendly versions) by the beginning of December. If your delivery has not arrived or you require additional copies then please email  

Available to download below you will find teaching, creative worship and prayer ideas and videos as well as youth and children’s material.  

PowerPoint templates, printable versions of the cards, social media graphics and posters are all available to help you plan, promote and deliver Covenant Sunday. 

We pray that this day will enable corps across the territory to explore the importance of making and keeping covenant and that this date will be of great significance to us all. 

Remote video URL

Teaching, prayer and creative worship resources

Key Dates

Download these ideas that can help form the basis of a Covenant Sunday sermon

Key Dates

Download creative prayer and worship ideas

Worship Videos

Remote video URL
Reflective worship video based on the Covenant Sunday card prayer
Remote video URL
Adaptation of the song 'Take my life and let it be' by Laura Rowsell. Lyrics and chord charts available at Salvation Worship.

Get In Touch

If you would like any assistance with the resources or wish to give feedback, please contact the Resource Hub via email by clicking on the link.

Email Us

More resources

Resources for 2023: Celebrating Life Together - Living in God's Covenant.

Being Together - Living in God's Covenant

A collection of videos to use in worship services including congregational songs, key date worship videos and videos from other territories.

Explore the range of resources for all ages.