History (Secondary)
History resources covering William and Catherine Booth, the history of The Salvation Army and First World War resources.

William Booth and The Salvation Army Presentation
A PowerPoint presentation telling the story of William Booth and the start of The Salvation Army.

William Booth Fact File
Fact files and accompanying discussion questions to help students learn more about William Booth.

Catherine Booth Fact File
Fact files and accompanying discussion questions to help students learn more about Catherine Booth.

Florence Booth Fact File
Fact files and accompanying discussion questions to help students learn more about Florence Booth.

The Salvation Army in Britain Presentation
Helping students understand what life might have been like in Britain during World War One and explain how The Salvation Army supported people living through the war.

The Salvation Army in Britain Lesson Plan
Helping students understand what life might have been like in Britain during World War One and explain how The Salvation Army supported people living through the war.

The Salvation Army in Britain 'Life in Britain' Text
Helping students understand what life might have been like in Britain during World War One and explain how The Salvation Army supported people living through the war.

The Salvation Army in Britain Emotion Cards
Helping students understand what life might have been like in Britain during World War One and explain how The Salvation Army supported people living through the war.

The Salvation Army in Britain Drama Cards
Helping students understand what life might have been like in Britain during World War One and explain how The Salvation Army supported people living through the war.

The Salvation Army in Britain Drama Mark Sheet
Helping students understand what life might have been like in Britain during World War One and explain how The Salvation Army supported people living through the war.

Front Line Presentation
Helping students understand the different ways that The Salvation Army helped people serving on the front line during World War One.

Front Line Lesson Plan
Helping students understand the different ways that The Salvation Army helped people serving on the front line during World War One.

Front Line Hospital Visits Fact Files
Helping students understand the different ways that The Salvation Army helped people serving on the front line during World War One.

Front Line Field Kitchens Fact Files
Helping students understand the different ways that The Salvation Army helped people serving on the front line during World War One.

Front Line Plenary Cards
Helping students understand the different ways that The Salvation Army helped people serving on the front line during World War One.

Front Line Huts Fact Files
Helping students understand the different ways that The Salvation Army helped people serving on the front line during World War One.

Front Line Ambulances Fact Files
Helping students understand the different ways that The Salvation Army helped people serving on the front line during World War One.

Morality of War Presentation
Helping students understand Christian beliefs about war and peace.

Morality of War Lesson Plan
Helping students understand Christian beliefs about war and peace.

Morality of War Card Sort
Helping students understand Christian beliefs about war and peace.

Morality of War International Positional Statement
Helping students understand Christian beliefs about war and peace.

Morality of War Bramwell Booth Letter
Helping students understand Christian beliefs about war and peace.

Morality of War Opinion Graph
Helping students understand Christian beliefs about war and peace.