5 June 2024
'There is adventure in following God's call'
Cadet Dave Perkins

Cadet Dave Perkins shares his journey to officership.
I grew up attending corps where many people encouraged me on my faith journey. Aged 17, during a worship and teaching session at a Central South Division Summer School, I answered Jesus’ call to follow him when I felt a strong conviction from the Holy Spirit to respond.
From that day I felt called to some sort of ministry and I was privileged to live this out as a soldier working with the young people and in employed roles within the Army.
When I was on my way to visit my parents in north London, I stopped at a random Tesco. An officer I’d never met spotted the red shield on my jacket and shared a word of Scripture and calling on my life. It was an interesting encounter, but I put it to the back of my mind.
However, during the Covid-19 lockdowns, I suddenly felt a strong conviction in my heart from the Holy Spirit that I was called to officership. It was a similar feeling to when I responded to God during that summer school!
Before entering the college, my wife and I had opportunity to work at a Salvation Army children’s camp in Arizona. A couple of people wisely advised us to prayerfully discern whether to go. Another suggested it was a crazy idea to take our six-month-old baby on an 11-hour flight to the Arizona desert and away from family for 3 months.
One day, the local prison chaplain popped into the corps and I mentioned the idea to him. He said: ‘Of course it’s crazy, but of course you’ve got to do it!’
I loved his response because I think it also applies to the call to officership. It encapsulates the element of sacrifice and the challenges, and the privilege to minister with people, but there is also a sense of adventure in following God’s call on my life.
Studying at William Booth College has been an amazing time of equipping, learning more about God and myself, meeting new people and making great friends. I’ve also had opportunities to minister in ways that have stretched me and strengthened my trust in God, as well as making precious family memories.
But I am super excited about our appointment to Maidstone and joining in with all that God is doing in and through the corps and community.
The resurrected Jesus said to the disciples in the locked room: ‘Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you... Receive the Holy Spirit’ (John 20:21 and 22). In all the excitement and change, I pray I will know God’s peace and rely on the Holy Spirit in all things!
Theologian Chris Wright suggests that the concept of sending and being sent lies at the heart of God’s mission. I wonder what God is sending you to?
Written by

Cadet Dave Perkins
William Booth College