Vision and Commitment 2021
The Vision and Commitment 2021 focus is Going Forward Together - Living in God’s Covenant based on Jeremiah 31:33
In the Bible we see God drawing people into covenants (Abrahamic, Mosaic, Noah). These are significant Old Testament covenants, but these are ultimately fulfilled in Christ. We will explore what the Old Testament covenants looked like and unpack what it means for us to be drawn into Christ’s new covenant.
The theme can be explored over four weeks: God's Invitation, God's Promise and Choice, God’s Gift of Christ and Our Response to God’s Grace
Additional resources include: Commitment cards, week one video sermon, children and youth sessions, poster and PowerPoint slides.
Vision & Commitment 2021 Resources

Week 1 - God's Invitation
Week 1 - God's Invitation includes sermon ideas, prayers, worship and mission ideas and questions for small groups.

Week 2 - God's Promise and Choice
Week 2 - God's Promise and Choice includes sermon ideas, prayers, worship and mission ideas and questions for small groups.

Week 3 - God's Gift of Christ
Week 3 - God's Gift of Christ includes sermon ideas, prayers, worship and mission ideas and questions for small groups.

Week 4 - Our Response to God's Grace
Week 4 - Our Response to God's Grace includes sermon ideas, prayers, worship and mission ideas and questions for small groups.

Covenant quotes
A range of quotes on the theme of covenant

Daily Prayers
Daily prayers on the theme of covenant
Audio used with permission from SP&S
More resources

The 2020 focus was 'Infinitely More' based on Ephesians 3:14-21 and Colossians 3:1-3.

The 2018 theme was 'Living as Disciples – Every day, in Everything and Everywhere'.