Into the Wild
The Salvation Army Prayer Network is launching 'Into the Wild', a territory-wide year long encounter adventure with God.
Starting Pentecost (31 May), this journey of prayer will help people experience God's presence as never before, right where they are.
Each month will feature a story of someone in the Bible who encountered God in a life-changing way. Explore this through teaching resources, questions for discussion and prayer activities, alongside videos/podcasts and online gatherings for corporate prayer and worship.
God shows up in lockdowns. That’s what happened to the first disciples...Might this Pentecost be our moment, here in COVID-19 lockdown, to meet God in a new way and step into a future we never imagined?
Download the 'Into the Wild' logo and PowerPoint files which include an advert slide and templates for worship.

Into the Wild PPT (Standard)
Download the standard (4:3) ratio version

Into the Wild PPT (Widescreen)
Download the widescreen (16:9) ratio version

In chapter one of the ‘Into the Wild’ story – a year of encounter and adventure, we meet Joshua as he leads the people of Israel across the Jordan to a new land.
Engage with the story alone or with a friend or online small group/Bible study, reflect on the discussion questions, try the prayer activities, watch the video and see what happens when you take courage to cross over into a new place.

Chapter 1: Crossing over - courage to trust (PDF)
Download the PDF version.

Chapter 1: Crossing over - courage to trust (Word)
Download the Word version.

Capítulo 1 - Cruzar - El Coraje para Confiar (Spanish)
Download the Spanish translation.
Colonel Deborah Graves, Territorial Secretary for Leader Development, tells the story of a time when God called her to do something that took a lot of courage.
Access the 'Into the Wild' showcase for future videos.
Join us for Chapter Two of our ‘Into the Wild’ series – a year of encounter and adventure. This month we accompany Joshua to his meeting with God.
Read alone or with a friend, reflect on the discussion questions over the phone with someone or in an online small group / Bible study, try the prayer activities… and see what happens when you exchange fear for faith.

Chapter 2 A tale of two circles - fear versus faith (PDF)
Download the PDF version.

Chapter 2 A tale of two circles - fear versus faith (Word)
Download the Word version.

Capitulo 2 - Una Historia de Dos Circulos - El miedo en contra de la fe
Download the Spanish translation.
Listen to the story of Diamond, a man who raised his voice and stepped out in faith to help bring down a huge injustice.
Why not watch this video montage from the Salvation Army Prayer Strategy Team on our top tips for praying out loud.
Join us for Chapter Three of our ‘Into the Wild’ series – a year of encounter and adventure. This month we accompany Gideon, an unlikely hero, who had the faith and determination to fight for a different future.
Read alone or with a friend, reflect on the discussion questions over the phone with someone or in an online small group/ Bible study, try the prayer activities… and see what happens when we wage war in prayer for the future we long to see.

Chapter 3 The little Army who couldn't - a paradox of power (PDF)
Download the PDF version

Chapter 3 The little Army who couldn't - a paradox of power (Word)
Download the Word version
Watch Andrew Warriner and Sarah Johnson share how they encountered God in different ways during their journeys to recovery from addiction. Like Gideon, they both found that surrendering to God was the key to finding freedom.
Join us for Chapter Four of ‘Into the Wild’ – a year of encounter and adventure – where we rewind to the beginning of Gideon’s story.
Read alone or with a friend, reflect on the discussion questions over the phone with someone or in an online small group / Bible study, try the prayer activities… and see what happens when you let God work through you.

Chapter 4 Poor me! - When we can't, God can (PDF)
Download the PDF version.

Chapter 4 Poor me! - When we can't, God can (Word)
Download the Word version.

Capitulo 4 Cuando nosotros no podemos - Dios puede (Spanish)
Download the Spanish translation.
Watch Mary Wolfe in Neath (South Wales) and Jenny and Sam Tomlin in Liverpool, talk about their new initiatives to change lives in their local communities. God called them to do new things – new things they felt completely inadequate for, but which they’re stepping into anyway, because they know God is with them.
Join us for Chapter Five of ‘Into the Wild’ – a year of encounter and adventure – where we accompany Elijah from the mountain of victory through the desert of despair to an encounter with God which challenges and strengthens him.
Read alone or with a friend, reflect on the discussion questions over the phone with someone or in an online small group / Bible study, try the prayer activities… and see what happens when you make time to listen to the small, quiet voice of God.

Chapter 5 The Days of Elijah - from celebration to crisis and opportunity (PDF)
Download the PDF version.

Chapter 5 The Days of Elijah - from celebration to crisis and opportunity (Word)
Download the Word version.
This month we hear Stories from Meshiel Brown and Jonathan Munn. They've both been learning how to live well and trust God in the midst of mental health problems. They tell us what they've learnt in the wilderness places, and how they're encountering the presence of God in the midst of inner turmoil.
(Content warning: Meshiel's story contains references to sexual abuse, self-harm and suicidal thoughts.)
Join us for Chapter Six ‘Into the Wild’ – a year of encounter and adventure. This month we meet three people whose lives all changed the day Jesus walked by.
Read alone or with a friend, reflect on the discussion questions over the phone with someone or in an online small group / Bible study, try the prayer activities… and see what happens when you let light break through.

Chapter 6 All kinds of darkness - one glorious light (PDF)
Download the PDF version.

Chapter 6 All kinds of darkness - one glorious light (Word)
Download the Word version.
This month some of our Salvation Army Prayer Strategy Team talk about what darkness looks like for them, and how they’ve known the light of Jesus break in.
Join us for Chapter Seven ‘Into the Wild’ – a year of encounter and adventure. This month we meet Mary, a wild mother who goes to places no mother has ever gone before.
Read alone or with a friend, reflect on the discussion questions over the phone with someone or in an online small group / Bible study, try the prayer activities… and see what happens when you step into the wild.

Chapter 7 Wild incarnation - tidings of discomfort and joy (PDF)
Download the PDF version.

Chapter 7 Wild incarnation - tidings of discomfort and joy (Word)
Download the Word version.
This month, Stephanie Chagas-Bijl tells us her story of pregnancy and giving birth in Pandemic 2020 and Lizette Williams shares some of the struggles of being a parent in lockdown. But they've both found joy amidst the discomfort.
Join us for Chapter Eight ‘Into the Wild’ – a year of encounter and adventure. This month we come across two people, Jabez and Jairus, who ask for MORE.
Read alone or with a friend, reflect on the discussion questions over the phone with someone or in an online small group / Bible study, try the prayer activities… and see what happens when you ask for MORE and let God guide you to that point.

Chapter 8 Wild asking – please Lord, I want some more (PDF)
Download the PDF version.

Chapter 8 Wild asking – please Lord, I want some more (Word)
Download the Word version.
This month listen to Ruth Gray as she talks about praying for her husband Karl, who nearly lost his life to Covid-19 in the spring of 2020. She shares some of the amazing ways God responded to her prayers for MORE.
Join us for Chapter Nine ‘Into the Wild’ – a year of encounter and adventure. This month we meet John the Baptist, a man who literally lived out his life and ministry in the wild … and bore fruit.
Read alone or with a friend, reflect on the discussion questions over the phone with someone or in an online small group / Bible study, try the prayer activities… and see what happens when you commit to God in the wilderness.

Chapter 9 Called to the wild - crying in the wilderness (PDF)
Download the PDF version.

Chapter 9 Called to the wild - crying in the wilderness (Word)
Download the Word version.
This month's video is a beautiful piece by Beth Parker on the joy she finds in wild swimming and what it's teaching her about prayer in the wild.
Join us for Chapter Ten ‘Into the Wild’ – a year of encounter and adventure. This month we discover the three strategies Jesus used when he was in the wilderness.
Read alone or with a friend, reflect on the discussion questions over the phone with someone or in an online small group / Bible study, try the prayer activities… and see what when you turn to God in the wilderness.

Chapter 10 Wilderness wanderings - learning to trust and obey (PDF)
Download the PDF version.

Chapter 10 Wilderness wanderings - learning to trust and obey (Word)
Download the Word version.
This month, Lyndall Bywater interviews Major Christine Kingscott, who takes up her new appointment as Assistant Secretary for Spiritual Life Development in March and will take over co-ordinating the SA UKI Territory Prayer Network. Chris talks about her hopes, her prayers and her wilder moments …
Join us for Chapter Eleven ‘Into the Wild’ – a year of encounter and adventure. This month we meet Samson, a man full of anger and violence.
Read alone or with a friend, reflect on the discussion questions over the phone with someone or in an online small group / Bible study, try the prayer activities… and see what when you get wild with anger!

Chapter 11: Wild emotions – the gift of anger (PDF)
Download the PDF version.

Chapter 11: Wild emotions – the gift of anger (Word)
Download the Word version.
Anger is a complex subject, and this month's Into the Wild videos explore it from two different angles. Meshiel Brown talks about being on the receiving end of other people's anger, and of learning how to deal with her own anger in a healthy way. Marjorie Parrott talks about anger and its place in stirring us to action against injustice ... particularly racism.
Join us for our Chapter Twelve ‘Into the Wild’ – a year of encounter and adventure. This month we meet Peter and a group of frightened, confused disciples who were transformed for ever by the power of the wildest gift ever given.
Read alone or with a friend, reflect on the discussion questions over the phone with someone or in an online small group / Bible study, try the prayer activities … and see what happens when you let the Holy Spirit live within you.

Chapter 12 The wildest gift - dare we go where the Spirit wants to take us (PDF)
Download the PDF version.

Chapter 12 The wildest gift - dare we go where the Spirit wants to take us (Word)
Download the Word version.
As our ‘Into the Wild’ year draws to a close, we’ve asked three people to share their testimonies. Angie Carney, Mary Wolfe and Tim Swansbury have journeyed with us throughout the year and this month they tell us their stories of meeting God in the wild.

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A call to prayer which could be used over Lent or at other times of the year.