Candidates Sunday

Time to explore God's calling on your life

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So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life and place it before God as an offering. (Romans 12:1 The Message)

Where is God leading you?

DFL is a weekend retreat at William Booth College to help you discern God's calling.

Resources to support you this Candidates Sunday based on the theme a 24/7 offering

A course for 18–25 year olds to explore who God is, who they are and what that could mean for the world.


Covenant Day: What is it and why is it important?

16 Jul 2024 | Calling and vocation, Interview
Integrative Training Officer Major Wendy Stanbury (William Booth College) talks to Salvationist about the sacred moment when cadets sign the Officer’s Covenant.

Why Exploring Leadership Day is for you

16 Mar 2024 | Feature, Calling and vocation
Territorial Candidates Directors Majors Andrea and Mark Sawyer introduce the new format of Exploring Leadership Day.

We are the champions!

23 Sep 2023 | Testimony, Calling and vocation
As they begin officer training, cadets of the Champions of the Mission session share their testimonies.

Gideon's calling: How can I?

4 Jul 2022 | Bible study, Calling and vocation
Major Mal Davies considers how Gideon went from threshing wheat to leading Israel.

Apest: Teachers

14 May 2022 | Bible study, Calling and vocation
Major Ian Mountford encourages us to identify those called and gifted by God to teach.

Apest: Shepherds

7 May 2022 | Bible study, Calling and vocation
Major Vikki Burr considers what we can learn from the Shepherd’s Psalm.

Apest: Evangelists

30 Apr 2022 | Bible study, Calling and vocation
Bethany Munn asks whether we walk the walk as well as talk the talk.

Apest: Prophets

23 Apr 2022 | Bible study, Calling and vocation
Major Matt Butler highlights those who bring correction and challenge to God’s people.

Apest: Apostles

16 Apr 2022 | Bible study, Calling and vocation
Captain Callum McKenna highlights what it means to be ‘sent’ with God’s message.

Discover more

A weekend of worship and celebration for everyone linked to The Salvation Army.

Introducing the new Territorial Candidates Directors and September’s Design for Life weekend.

A lifelong commitment to Salvation Army leadership that's taken after deep thought and prayer.

A commitment to serve as a Salvation Army leader for a minimum of three years.