WW1 (Primary)
KS1 and KS2 Ages 5-11
An exciting teaching resource based on the First World War. If it's an assembly, a stand-alone lesson, an in-depth sequence of lessons, or just want to know more... look no further!

A3 Children's WW1 War Cry
Hold a bit of history in your hand! Based on WW1 articles from The Salvation Army newspaper, the War Cry; print and let pupils read and learn at their own pace.

A4 Children's WW1 War Cry Insert
This is an optional insert for the Children’s WW1 War Cry, with more religious and serious articles.

Kids Fact Sheets - The First World War And The Salvation Army
What did The Salvation Army do in the First World War? Find out here!

WW1 Printed Resources
Contact us if you would like to order any resources: WW1 A3 poster (free) Children's WW1 War Cry (free) not inc P&P

WW1 Assembly Script
A fun and interactive assembly for Primary aged children, introducing some of the ways that The Salvation Army supported people during the First World War.

WW1 Assembly Presentation
A fun and interactive assembly for Primary aged children, introducing some of the ways that The Salvation Army supported people during the First World War.

WW1 Hut Chant
A poem inspired by the different ways The Salvation Army helped soldiers.
KS1 Ages 5-8
A lesson for younger pupils about the First World War. Choose from a range of optional activities to differentiate the learning for your class.

WW1 KS1 Lesson Plan
Learn how The Salvation Army helped people during the First World War.

WW1 KS1 Lesson Presentation
Learn how The Salvation Army helped people during the First World War.

WW1 KS1 Resource Sheet 1A Story
A true story about helping soldiers during WW1.

WW1 KS1 Resource Sheet 1B WW1 Characters
Make a headband to introduce the Salvation Army characters.

WW1 KS1 Resource Sheet 1C I Am Statements
Read the clues aloud to match the character to the object and action.

WW1 KS1 Resource Sheet 1D Matching Pairs
Match the character to the object.

WW1 KS1 Resource Sheet 1E How Do I Help?
Write how different characters helped soldiers in different ways.

WW1 KS1 Resource Sheet 1F Colouring In
Colour in our Salvation Army characters.

WW1 KS1 Resource Sheet 1G Draw And Write
Choose an object or character to draw and write about.
KS2 Ages 7-11
A lesson for pupils about the First World War. Choose from a range of optional activities to differentiate the learning for your class.

WW1 KS2 Lesson Plan
Learn how The Salvation Army helped people during the First World War.

WW1 KS2 Lesson Presentation
Learn how The Salvation Army helped people during the First World War.

WW1 KS2 Resource Sheet 1A Plenary
Use these cards to help review the learning from the lesson.

WW1 KS2 Resource Sheet 1B Card Match
Match the character with the image.

WW1 KS2 Resource Sheet 1C Love My Neighbour
Explore real examples of love in action on the front line.

WW1 KS2 Resource Sheet 1D Spinner
Create a fun character spinner to use with the Character Sheet.

WW1 KS2 Resource Sheet 1E Character Sheet
Record different ways The Salvation Army helped people in a group activity.

WW1 KS2 Resource Sheet 1F Questions
What questions would you ask each character?

WW1 KS2 Resource Sheet 1G Poster
Design a poster using the key words and images.
Series of Lessons
KS2 Ages 7-11
Four lessons covering the humanitarian aid given to soldiers and sailors - abroad and in the UK. Pupils explore how and why The Salvation Army supported servicemen, in a thought-provoking yet fun and creative way.

WW1 KS2 Pupil Booklet A3
A mini booklet designed to help pupils reflect independently on the themes of the lessons.

WW1 KS2 Pupil Booklet Instructions
Instructions on how to make the booklet.

L1 Love Your Neighbour Lesson Plan
To learn how people were supported during the First World War – in the UK and Germany.

L1 Love Your Neighbour Lesson Presentation
To learn how people were supported during the First World War – in the UK and Germany.

L1 Love Your Neighbour Fact Sheet 1A UK Aid
Background information on how The Salvation Army helped people in the UK during WW1.

L1 Love Your Neighbour Fact Sheet 1B Germany
Background information on how The Salvation Army helped people in Germany during WW1.

L1 Love Your Neighbour Resource Sheet 1A
Brainstorm ways that war can affect people.

L1 Love Your Neighbour Resource Sheet 1B
Card sort based on different types of aid.

L1 Love Your Neighbour Resource Sheet 1C
Explore real examples of love in action on the front line.

L1 Love Your Neighbour Additional Ideas
Explore more about UK Aid and Germany with these curricular link suggestions.

L1 Love Your Neighbour Additional Resources Sheet 1A
Create a background story for Private Tom Barker.

L1 Love Your Neighbour Additional Resources Sheet 1B
Write a letter from Private Tom Barker.

L2 I Was A Stranger And You Welcomed Me Lesson Plan
A lesson exploring how soldiers were helped by Salvation Army hospitality huts – includes a class mini-drama.

L2 I Was A Stranger And You Welcomed Me Presentation
A lesson exploring how soldiers were helped by Salvation Army hospitality huts – includes a class mini-drama.

L2 I Was A Stranger And You Welcomed Me Fact Sheet 2A Bad Behaviour
Background information on some of the additional dangers soldiers might face being away from home.

L2 I Was A Stranger And You Welcomed Me Fact Sheet 2B Inside A Salvation Army Hut
Background information and prop suggestions on how to set up a Salvation Army hut in your classroom for the mini-drama.

L2 I Was A Stranger And You Welcomed Me Fact Sheet 2C Recollections From Working In A Hut
A Salvation Army hut volunteer shares what it was like serving soldiers during WW1.

L2 I Was A Stranger And You Welcomed Me Resource Sheet 2A Posters
Drama prop - posters to decorate the classroom.

L2 I Was A Stranger And You Welcomed Me Resource Sheet 2B Postcards
Drama prop – to add to a writing area.

L2 I Was A Stranger And You Welcomed Me Resource Sheet 2C War Cry A3
Drama prop – to add to a reading area. Based on WW1 articles from The Salvation Army newspaper, the War Cry.

L2 I Was A Stranger And You Welcomed Me Resource Sheet 2C War Cry A4 Insert
This is an optional insert for the Children’s WW1 War Cry, with more religious and serious articles

L2 I Was A Stranger And You Welcomed Me Resource Sheet 2D Discussion Cards
Drama prop – cue cards on a range of topics.

L2 I Was A Stranger And You Welcomed Me Resource Sheet 2E Drama Script And Character Cards
Drama prop – prompts and tips to leading the drama and getting everyone in role.

L2 I Was A Stranger And You Welcomed Me Resource Sheet 2F Hut Chant
Drama prop - a poem inspired by the different ways The Salvation Army helped soldiers.

L2 I Was A Stranger And You Welcomed Me Additional Ideas
Explore more about Salvation Army huts with these curricular links suggestions.

L2 I Was A Stranger And You Welcomed Me Additional Resources 2A
Brainstorm why The Salvation Army ran hospitality huts.

L2 I Was A Stranger And You Welcomed Me Additional Resources 2B
Explore worries or problems soldiers might have.

L3 Love In Action And In Truth Lesson Plan
In this lesson pupils become a history detective, to learn what Salvation Army women did during the war and learn about ambulance drivers.

L3 Love In Action And In Truth Presentation
In this lesson pupils become a history detective, to learn what Salvation Army women did during the war and learn about ambulance drivers.

L3 Love In Action And In Truth Fact Sheet 3A Women's War Work
Background information on the different types of work Salvation Army women did to support soldiers.

L3 Love In Action And In Truth Fact Sheet 3B Ambulances, Trucks And Music
Background information on different types of work Salvation Army men did to support soldiers.

L3 Love In Action And In Truth Resource Sheet 3A Women's War Work
Be a history detective and look for clues. Differentiated sheets.

L3 Love In Action And In Truth Resource Sheet 3B History Detective
Sheets to record evidence and conclusions.

L3 Love In Action And In Truth Resource Sheet 3C - A3 Ambulance Game
Play a cooperative game to learn about ambulances during WW1.

L3 Love In Action And In Truth Additional Ideas
Explore more about women’s war work and ambulances with these curricular links suggestions.

L4 Heart To God Hand To Man Lesson Plan
Learn how chaplains supported soldiers and what happened after the war ended.

L4 Heart To God Hand To Man Presentation
Learn how chaplains supported soldiers and what happened after the war ended.

L4 Heart To God Hand To Man Fact Sheet 4A Chaplains
Background information on Salvation Army chaplains.

L4 Heart To God Hand To Man Fact Sheet 4B After The War
Background information on what happened when WW1 ended.

Resource Sheet 4A Drama Cards
Mini scripts highlighting the work chaplains did during WW1.

L4 Heart To God Hand To Man Additional Ideas
Explore more about chaplains and WW1 with these curricular links suggestions.

L4 Heart To God Hand To Man Additional Resources 4A
How many links can you make between these characters?
Explore more history resources...

Resources for school assemblies, lessons and talks focussing on William and Catherine Booth and the early days of The Salvation Army.

A range of resources, lessons and activities to introduce primary school children to the beliefs, history and work of The Salvation Army. NEW: Survey to help redevelop this resource. Send us your feedback and ideas!

This practical resource helps you organise an exciting and memorable primary school visit at your corps or centre.