Explore it

Explore it written above green binoculars on a green background


Find out how to use the resources, including how each session is structured.


Children's Discipleship Material - for Small Groups

Session Guides for ages 7-12

Light Guides for younger children

Explore It is designed for children’s ministry leaders working with groups of children.

Each session includes:

  • Content for a 30-40 minute group meeting under the headings Start it, Sing it, Tell it, Action it, Pray it
  • Explore It ideas an additional resource to send home to families, to explore the theme further 
  • Light Guides to support younger children

Explore it written above green binoculars on a green background.
NEW: Light Guides to support younger children.

September – If you love a good story

Session 1: To learn the story of David and Goliath

David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17:4-16,32,38-40,48-50)

Session 2: To know why Jesus told parables 

A story about planting seed (Matthew 13:1-10,13,18-23

Session 3: To explore a moment where Jesus raised the dead

Jesus gives life to a dead girl (Mark 5:21-24,28-43)

Session 4: To learn how Jesus annoyed the religious leaders

Jesus heals a man at a pool (John 5:1-18)

August – God doing things differently

Session 1: To discover how God is with us even in the most difficult times

Joseph sold into slavery (Genesis 37, 39, 41) 

Session 2: To know the story of Joseph’s reunion with his brothers

Joseph sets a trap (Genesis 41:17-40,44; 45:1-5) 

Session 3: To explore how God works in some difficult situations

Baby Moses (Genesis 47:5-6; Exodus 1:8-10,22; 2:3-10) 

Session 4: To reflect upon how God might equip us

Moses helps his people (Exodus 2:11-12; 3:7-14)

Session 5: To explore the many events leading to Passover

The plagues of Egypt (Exodus 7:1-5,8-13,20-21; 8:5-8,16-19,24; 9:1-9,15-19; 12:12-13) 

July – Experiencing Jesus

Session 1: To see how Jesus got his message across

Be careful about judging others (Matthew 7:1-5) 

Session 2: To know that children matter to God

Who is the greatest? (Matthew 18:1-4,10-14) 

Session 3: To discover how Jesus answered a tricky question

The most important command (Mark 12:28-34) 

Session 4: To consider the worship we can bring to God

A woman with perfume for Jesus (Mark 14:3-9) 

June – So what is The Big Story?

Session 1: To understand the role of a prophet

God calls Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:4-19) 

Session 2: To know the impact Daniel had on King Darius

Daniel and the lions (Daniel 6:5-28) 

Session 3: To think about what faith means to you

Faith (Hebrews 11:1-4,7-10,13-16) 

Session 4: To realise that David shared his honest feelings in songs and poems

A song of trust in God (Psalm 27:1-14) 

Session 5: To know the importance of Israel entering The Promised Land

God’s command to Joshua (Joshua 1:5-11,16-18) 

May – Supernatural life lessons

Session 1: To explore how a boy helped Jesus

More than 5,000 people fed (John 6:1-15)

Session 2: To see how Peter reacted to Jesus’ supernatural power

Jesus walks on water (Matthew 14:22-34)

Session 3: To be challenged by Jesus’ story of kindness

The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

Session 4: To see different reactions to Jesus

Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42) 

April – Decision times

Session 1: To discover the first Passover

Moses’ faithfulness (Exodus 12:1-14,21-28,31)

Session 2: To learn that God sees within a person

David’s goodness (1 Samuel 16:1-23)

Session 3: To see the danger of jealousy

David’s self-control (1 Samuel 19:1-18)

Session 4: To reflect upon the power of gentleness

David’s gentleness (1 Samuel 24:1-22) 

March – Looking at Saul, looking at Jesus

Session 1: To learn how Samuel showed kindness to Saul.

Saul meets Samuel (1 Samuel 9:6-10,14-27)

Session 2: To think about being faithful to God.

Samuel appoints Saul (1 Samuel 10:1-7,9-11,14-19,24-27)

Session 3: To reflect upon our own self-control.

Saul rejected as king (1 Samuel 15:1-3,8-12,17-19,22-23

Session 4: To find peace about the future.

Jesus says that he must die (Matthew 16:21-28)

Session 5: To discover the source of Christian joy.

Jesus rises from death (Luke 9:28-36; 24:1-8)

February – Hopeful creation care

Session 1: To learn the sequence of creation.

The beginning of the world (Genesis 1:1-23) 

Session 2: To reflect on how we ‘rule’ the earth. 

Days five and six were good too (Genesis 1:24-31, 2:7-9, 15-17, 20-22)

Session 3: To discover that ‘rest’ isn’t just physical recovery; ‘rest’ trusts God. 

The seventh day – rest (Genesis 2:1-3)

Session 4:  To see nature as a help to praying in private.

A song for going up to worship (Psalm 121)

January – Inclusion in the Kingdom of God

Session 1: To see migration in Jesus’ own story. 

Wise men come to visit Jesus (Luke 2:1-7; Matthew 2:1-15)

Session 2: To explore our feelings towards refugees. 

Jesus’ parents take him to Egypt (Matthew 2:9-15)

Session 3: To see how Jesus accepts a Samaritan woman.

Jesus and a Samaritan woman (John 4:5-11, 13-15, 25-26, 39-42)

Session 4: To know that inclusion is part of God’s Kingdom.

Jesus teaches about prayer (Matthew 6:5-13)

Advent 2023 

Session 1: Waiting in prayer with Zechariah

(Luke 1:5-20)

Session 2: Breaking from tradition

(Luke 1:26-38, 57-64)

Session 3: The Holy Spirit shows that God is with us

(Luke 2:1-7; Matthew 1:18-25)

Session 4: God is with the shepherds

(Luke 2:8-20)

Session 5: Seeing Salvation

(Luke 2:25-38)

November 2023 – The sending, teaching, terrifying and reassuring Jesus

Session 1: To know that disciples have a purpose

(Matthew 10:1-4,6-14)

Session 2: To discover how Jesus teaches

(Matthew 5:1-12,43-48; 7:24-29)

Session 3: To ask who we think Jesus is

(Mark 4:35-41)

Session 4: To learn about John’s vision of the ending

(Revelation 4:1-3; 21:1-4,22-27; 22:1-5)


Download a handy guide with links to resources to help you talk about Halloween.


October 2023 - Jesus makes an impact

Session 1: To discover that Jesus did not have favourites (Matthew 8:1-4; John 4:46-54)

Session 2: To see that Jesus was not popular with everyone (Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:21-24)

Session 3: To know why the religious leaders wanted to get rid of Jesus (Matthew 12:1-2,8; 13:10-13; 15:1-2,10-14)

Session 4: To become aware of things we know that are wrong (Matthew 9:9-13; Luke 7:36-39,44-48) 

September 2023 - Can God work through me too?

Session 1: To know what happened after Moses died. (Joshua 6:1-11, 15-16,20,24,27)

Session 2: To learn about the people God uses. (Judges 6:12-16; Judges 7:19-21)

Session 3: To think about strength and how we use it. (Judges 13:1,3-5,24-25; 14:10-19; 16:4-6,16-2)

Session 4: To see how God used Ruth’s selfless choices. (Ruth chapter 1; 2:1-12; 4:13-17)

Session 5: To learn to listen for God and speak the truth. (1 Samuel 1:10-28; 3:1-11)

Other useful links

14 five-minute episodes to help children transition from primary to secondary school as they become small fish in a big pond. Now including 14 illustrated video versions.

A ball based wellbeing resource for schools or church groups. It offers children the opportunity to get talking, listening and moving!

Compelling small group (previously known as Cell Outlines) Bible study resources for ages 12-25

Right Tracks is a new music resource produced for children and leaders to help learn more about God. *Includes a Primary School assembly each song.*

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